CENICS 2020 - The Thirteenth International Conference on Advances in Circuits, Electronics and Micro-electronics
November 21, 2020 - November 25, 2020
CENICS 2020: Program
NetWare 2020 Congress
Conference Venue Location

Holiday Inn Express Valencia-Ciudad Las Ciencias
Escritor Rafael Ferreres 22
Valencia, 46013, Spain
34 96 3162530
Opening Welcome
You can find here more details on how the program is arranged.
Visible Light Communication: A new Way to Communicate, Potential and Challengers
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Manuela Vieira, CTS-ISEL, Portugal
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- video presentation
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The Role of Sensors in Agriculture 4.0
Speaker: Dr. Lorena Parra Boronat, Universitat Politècnica de València and Instituto Madrileño de Investigación y Desarrollo Rural, Agrario y Alimentario, Spain
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Energy in Wireless Sensor Networks
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Anne-Lena Kampen, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway
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- video presentation
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Communication Technologies in Smart Agriculture
Speaker: Dr. José Miguel Jiménez, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain
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Magnetic Microwires for Sensor Applications
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Arkady Zhukov, Dpto. Fisica de Materiales, UPV/EHU, San Sebastian, Spain, España
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- narrated pptx slides
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Tensor-based Adaptive Techniques: A Deep Diving in Nonlinear Systems
Speaker: Lect. Dr. Laura Dogariu, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania
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Magnetic Sensor Systems for Motion Control
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Janez Trontelj ml., University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Slovenia
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- video presentation
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Automotive Security - Quo Vadis? Current Situation and Future Directions in Automotive Security
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Hof, INSicherheit - Ingolstadt Research Group Applied IT Security, CARISSMA – Center of Automotive Research on Integrated Safety Syst, Germany
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Security Gaps and CyberSystems
(simulation, resilience, security as a service, breaches, disasters, trust, etc.)
Steffen Fries, Siemens, Germany
Rainer Falk, Siemens, Germany
Maxime Puys, CEA-LETI, France
Stefan Schauer, Austrian Institute of Technology, Center of Digital Safety and Security, Vienna, Austria
Steffen Fries, Siemens, Germany
Rainer Falk, Siemens, Germany
Challenges in Internet Sensors-based Systems and Services
(energy, security, deployment, data collection, mangement, replacement, etc.)
Chair: Pedro Vicente Mauri Ablanque, IMIDRA, España
Anne-Lena Kampen, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway
Zhaobo Zhang, Futurewei Technologies Inc., USA
Masanari Nakamura, Hokkaido University, Japan
Pedro Vicente Mauri Ablanque, IMIDRA, España
Trends on Miniaturization
(energy, heat, optimisation, connections, accuracy, sensitivity, etc.)
Chair: Petre Dini, IARIA, EU/USA
Kyle Sundqvist, San Diego State University, USA
Sazzadur Chowdhury, University of Windsor, Canada
Sorore Benabid, ESEO, France
Petre Dini, IARIA, USA/EU
Special Tracks
SECURWARE 2020 CIT-NTC Special Track: Critical Infrastructure Protection – Novel Concepts and Technologies
Session chair:
Stefan Schauer, Martin Latzenhofer
- presentation slides / editorial video
An Information Flow Modelling Approach for Critical Infrastructure Simulation
Denise Gall, Christian Luidold, Gregor Langner, Thomas Schaberreiter, Gerald Quirchmayr
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
A Gap Analysis of Visual and Functional Requirements in Cybersecurity Monitoring Tools
Christian Luidold, Thomas Schaberreiter
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Regular Tracks
SENSORCOMM 2020, The Fourteenth International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications
Energy Harvesting Wireless Sensor Network Edge Device Simulation Tool
Cian O'Shea, Ross O'Halloran, Peter Haigh, Mike Hayes
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Reducing The Energy Consumed During Multihop Transmissions in Wireless Sensor Networks
Anne-Lena Kampen, Knut Øvsthus
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Inductive Communication and Localization Method for Wireless Sensors in Photobioreactors
David Demetz, Alexander Sutor
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Towards Joint Cell Selection and Task Offloading in Cellular IoT Systems with Edge Computing
Edgar Adrian Esquivel-Mendiola, Sergio Perez-Picazo, Hiram Galeana-Zapien
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Rapid Detection of Toxic Emissions Using DNN Based Sensing
Ibrahim Bhavnagarwala, Adam Bhavnagarwala
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
IMPAQT Miniaturized Underwater Acoustic Telemetry Platform: Transmitter Node System Design
Hamed Jafarzadeh, Marco Belcastro, Brendan O’Flynn
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
SENSORDEVICES 2020, The Eleventh International Conference on Sensor Device Technologies and Applications
Distanced Observation of Magnetic Field Anomalies During Periods of Power Failure and Applications in Remote Classification of Electrical Activity
Christopher Duncan, Olga Gkountouna, Ron Mahabir
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Dynamic Mode AFM Measurement of CMUT Diaphragm Deflection Profile
Sazzadur Chowdhury
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Design and Modelling of a Piezoelectric Road Energy Harvester
Bin Wei, Rahul Iyer
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
VLC Connected Cooperative Driving
Manuel Augusto Vieira, Manuela Vieira, Paula Louro, Pedro Vieira
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
SAW-based Differential Sensor Exploiting Metallocorroles Properties For The Selective Measurement Of Carbon Monoxide
Meddy Vanotti, Sacha Poisson, Valérie Soumann, Valentin Quesneau, Stéphane Brandès, Nicolas Desbois, Jian Yang, Laurie André, Claude P. Gros, Virginie Blondeau-Patissier
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library / animated pptx
Geolocation and Wayfinding in Complex Buildings Using Visible Light Communication
Manuela Vieira, Manuel Augusto Vieira, Paula Louro, Pedro Vieira, Alessandro Fantoni
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Tuning of Magnetic Properties of Magnetic Microwires by Post-Processing
Paula Corte-León, Valentina Zhukova, Mihail Ipatov, Juan Maria Blanco, Arcady Zhukov
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library / narrated pptx slides
Surface Acoustic Waves Sensors Based Lithium Niobate And Quartz For Particulates Matter Measurments
Fatima-Ezzahraa Dbibih, Valérie Soumann, Jean-Marc Cote, Virginie Blondeau-Pâtissier
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Simultaneous Localization and Communication Methods Using Short-time and Narrow-band Acoustic Signals
Masanari Nakamura, Hiromichi Hashizume, Masanori Sugimoto
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Polymer Photonic Crystal Membrane for Human Body Thermoregulation
Mohamed Boutghatin, Salim Assaf, Michèle Carette, Vincent Thomy, Abdellatif Akjouj, Bahram Djafari-Rouhani, Yan Pennec
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Bi-Directional Communication Between Infra-Structure and Mobile Device Based on Visible Light Communication
Paula Louro, Manuela Vieira, Manuel Augusto Vieira
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Multi-Sensor Data Fusion and Artificial Neural Network to Estimate the Velocity of Sportive Turfgrass in Putting Green Areas
Lorena Parra, Pedro V. Mauri, Jaime Lloret, Salima Yousfi, José F. Marin
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
A CPW-SIW Planar Dual-Band Antenna for ISM Applications
Radhoine Aloui, Zied Houaneb, Hassen Zairi, Fermin Mira, Ignacio Llamas-Garro
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Simulation Model of the Integrated Hall Element Implemented in Verilog-A
Damjan Berčan, Janez Trontelj
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Optimization Analysis of the Integrated Micro-coil Geometry Parameters Influence on the Uniformity of the Magnetic Field Distribution
Miha Gradišek, Janez Trontelj
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
On Wafer Characterisation of the Analog Anisotropic Magnetoresistance Sensor
Janez Trontelj ml.
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Inverse Convolution Method for Periodic Media Under Deterministic and Stochastic Condition
Xuefeng Li, Mohamed Ichchou, Abdelmalek Zine, Noureddine Bouhaddi, Christophe Droze
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Device for Hemodynamic Parameters Measurement in Veterinary Medicine of Small Animals
Jan Havlík, Jakub Vitáček
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Performance Evaluation of High-Accuracy Time Synchronization Sensor Device Using Indoor GNSS Time Information Delivery System for Structural Health Monitoring of Buildings and Civil Infrastructures
Narito Kurata, Tsutomu Sano, Makoto Ishii, Satoru Ishida, Masaki Tanaka
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Comparison Between Electrical Impedance and Optical Spectroscopy for a Field Soil Analysis
Olga Chambers, Janez Trontelj ml.
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Monitoring Outdoor Air Quality Using Personal Device to Protect Vulnerable People
Luca Rampini, Fulvio Re Cecconi
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Elemental GMR Sensors for Neuromorphical Applications
Jorge Gómez, Càndid Reig, María-Dolores Cubells-Beltrán, Fernando Pardo, José-Antonio Boluda, Francisco Vegara, Sofia Abrunhosa, Susana Cardoso
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
SECURWARE 2020, The Fourteenth International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies
Trust Through Origin and Integrity: Protection of Client Code for Improved Cloud Security
Anders Fongen, Kirsi Helkala, Mass Soldal Lund
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Integration of Network Services in Tactical Coalition SDN Networks
Anders Fongen, Mass Soldal Lund
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Detection Algorithm for Non-recursive Zip Bombs
MaoYang Chen, MingYu Fan
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Information Extraction from Darknet Market Advertisements and Forums
Sven Schlarb, Clemens Heistracher, Faisal Ghaffar
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
WAF Signature Generation with Real-Time Information on the Web
Masahito Kumazaki, Yukiko Yamaguchi, Hajime Shimada, Hirokazu Hasegawa
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Securing Smart Homes using Intrusion Detection Systems
Christoph Haar, Erik Buchmann
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Automatic Mapping of Vulnerability Information to Adversary Techniques
Otgonpurev Mendsaikhan, Hirokazu Hasegawa, Yukiko Yamaguchi, Hajime Shimada
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Introduction to Being a Privacy Detective: Investigating and Comparing Potential Privacy Violations in Mobile Apps Using Forensic Methods
Stefan Kiltz, Robert Altschaffel, Thorsten Lucke, Jana Dittmann
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Towards Cybersecurity Act: A Survey on IoT Evaluation Frameworks
Maxime Puys, Jean-Pierre Krimm, Raphaël Collado
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Towards Reducing the Impact of Data Breaches
George O. M. Yee
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Forensic Behavior Analysis in Video Conferencing Based on the Metadata of Encrypted Audio and Video Streams - Considerations and Possibilities
Robert Altschaffel, Jonas Hielscher, Christian Krätzer, Kevin Lamshöft, Jana Dittmann
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Towards Situation-based IT Management During Natural Disaster Crisis
Abdelmalek Benzekri, Romain Laborde, Arnaud Oglaza, Maleerat Sodanil, Hatahairat Ketmaneechairat
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
A Concept of an Attack Model for a Model-Based Security Testing Framework
Tina Volkersdorfer, Hans-Joachim Hof
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
AFIN 2020, The Twelfth International Conference on Advances in Future Internet
Enterprise Networking with Secure Acess Service Edge --New Role of the Internet amid COVID-19 Crisis
Zhaobo Zhang
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
CENICS 2020, The Thirteenth International Conference on Advances in Circuits, Electronics and Micro-electronics
Predicting Noise Power in Gm-C Filters Through Machine Learning
Malinka Ivanova
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
FPGA-Based Obstacle Avoidance and Line Tracking System For Autonomous Mobile Robots
Sorore Benabid, Loïc Latour, Solène Poulain
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Improving the Gradient Descent Based FPGA-Placement Algorithm
Tobias Thiemann, Timm Bostelmann, Sergei Sawitzki
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
ICQNM 2020, The Fourteenth International Conference on Quantum, Nano/Bio, and Micro Technologies
Exploring Analog Emulation of Quantum Computation Using Quadrature Modulation
Kyle M. Sundqvist, Isaac Grubb, Kristopher McBrian, Rohit De, Jeremy Juybari, Raymond Moberly
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
GREEN 2020, The Fifth International Conference on Green Communications, Computing and Technologies
Economic and Environmental Benefits of Electric, Hybrid and Conventional Vehicle Treatment in Lithuania
Rasa Tverskytė, Kamilė Petrauskienė, Jolanta Dvarionienė
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Health Risks from Exposure to Electromagnetic Waves Radiation from 5G
Rodrigo Cuevas-Terrones, Josefina Castañeda-Camacho, Ana-María Rodríguez-Domínguez, Gerardo Mino-Aguilar
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Power Electronic Converters Review for Wind Turbine Applications: State of Art, Reliability and Trends
Aimad Alili, Mamadou Baïlo Camara, Brayima Dakyo, Jacques Raharijaona
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Farewell Message
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