FUTURE COMPUTING 2020 - The Twelfth International Conference on Future Computational Technologies and Applications
October 25, 2020 - October 29, 2020
ComputationWorld 2020 Congress
Conference Venue Location

Hotel Novotel Cap 3000 in Nice / Saint Laurent du Var
40 avenue du Verdun
06700 Saint Laurent du Var
Tel (+33)4/93195555 - Fax (+33)4/93195559
Email h0414@accor.com
Opening Welcome
You can find here more details on how the program is arranged.
Mission-critical Cloud and Virtualization Solutions based on the POWER Architecture
Speaker: Ian Robinson, Power Virtualization Offering Manager, IBM Almaden Research Center, San Jose, USA
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- short description
- video presentation
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Keynote Speeches
Cybersecurity Education
LIVE Zoom Presentation
Date: Monday Oct 26, 2020; Time 04:00 PM Helsinki Time
Meeting ID: 680 1057 9316
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Andreas Aßmuth, Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule (OTH) Amberg-Weiden, Germany
- presentation slides
- short bio
Patterns in Earth Remote Sensing at Night Data
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Alexander Troussov, RANEPA, Russia
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- short bio
The Changing Attitudes to Compliance from Governments on Legislation and Regulation for Corporates
Speaker: Dr. Bob Duncan, University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom
- presentation slides
- short bio
- pptx voiced presentation
Escaping Groundhog Day
Embedding Business Objects in an Evolving Landscape of Cross-Cutting Concern Utilities
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Herwig Mannaert, University of Antwerp, Belgium
- presentation slides
- video presentation
- short bio
Cognitive Puzzle: Quo Vadis?
(machine learning, deep cognition, cognitive decisions, deep-mind, empathy, social emotion, etc.)
Chair: Charlotte Sennersten, CSIRO, Australia
Marta Franova, LRI, UMR8623 du CNRS & INRIA Saclay, Bât. 660, Orsay, France
Olga Chernavskaya, Lebedev Physical Institute, Russia
Joao Kogler, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Muneo Kitajima, Nagaoka University of Technology, Japan
Dealing with Complexity of the Data
(imperfect classifiers, approximate data, volatile data, time-sensitive data, tentative patterns, evolving dataset, etc.)
Chair: Hans-Werner Sehring, Tallence AG, Germany
- video introduction
- video position of
Hans-Werner Sehring
Alexander G. Mirnig, Center for Human-Computer Interaction, University of Salzburg, Austria
Miki Namatame, Tsukuba University of Technology, Japan
Hans-Werner Sehring, Tallence AG, Germany
Adaptation, a Modus Vivandi Solution
(adaptable eco-systems, self-isolation, adaptable avatars, sustainable adaptation, resilient adaptation, etc.)
Chair: Marc Kurz, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria Faculty for Informatics, Communications and Media, Austria
Stephan Kluth, FOM University of Applied Sciences, Deutschland
Sebastian Lawrenz, Clausthal University of Technology, Germany
Stephan Selinger, FH OÖ Studienbetriebs GmbH, Österreich
Jens Krösche, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria; Faculty for Informatics, Communications and Media, Dep Österreich
Marc Kurz, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria Faculty for Informatics, Communications and Media, Austria
Cloud Technologies: Connected and Unconnected, yet Processing
(cloud technological impact, service reliability, challenges for data and processes, trusted and secured environments, etc.)
Chair: Aspen Olmsted, New York University, USA
Jiye Yu, Hitachi, Ltd., Japan
Sebastian Fischer, Fraunhofer AISEC, Germany
Bob Duncan, University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom
- pptx voiced presentation
Magnus Westerlund, Arcada University of Applied Sciences, Finland
Aspen Olmsted, New York University, USA
Special Tracks
ADAPTIVE 2020 AISMS Special Track: Adaptivity in Intelligent and Secure Mobile Systems
Chairs and Coordinators:
Prof. Dr. Marc Kurz, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Faculty for Informatics, Communications and Media, Austria
Prof. Dr. Erik Sonnleitner, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Faculty for Informatics, Communications and Media, Austria
Marc Kurz, Erik Sonnleitner
- presentation slides / editorial
What Are You Doing? Real-Time Activity Recognition Using Mobile Phone Sensors
Bernhard Hiesl, Marc Kurz, Erik Sonnleitner
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
A Visible Light Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication System Using Modulated Taillights
Michael Plattner, Gerald Ostermayer
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
A Context-enhanced Sector-based Indoor Positioning Library
Alexander Stelzhammer, Jens Krösche
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Estimating Internal Power in Walking and Running with a Smart Sock
Dicle Yilmaz, Stephan Selinger, Florian Eibensteiner
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
ADAPTIVE 2020 ESES Special Track: Evolving Software Ecosystems and Services
LIVE Microsoft Teams Meeting: Thursday, October 29, 2020 at 3pm Berlin Time
Meeting access link here
Password: No password is needed, but the chairs will let you in. Please join with your clear name.
Dr. Boris Düdder, Assistant Professor, University of Copenhagen, Department of Computer Science, Denmark
Sebastian Lawrenz, Technische Universität Clausthal, Department of Software and Systems Engineering, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany
Priyanka Sharma, Technische Universität Clausthal, Department of Software and Systems Engineering, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany
Boris Düdder, Sebastian Lawrenz, Priyanka Sharma
- presentation slides / editorial
Robot Cognition in Disassembly - Advanced Information Processing for an Adaptive Dismantling Ecosystem
Hendrik Poschmann, Holger Brüggemann, Daniel Goldmann
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
A Catalog-based Platform for Integrated Development of Simulation Models
Arthur Strasser, Peter Engel, Mirco Schindler, Wilhelm Tegethoff, Sebastian Lempp
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Towards Improving Software Architecture Degradation Mitigation by Machine Learning
Sebastian Herold, Christoph Knieke, Mirco Schindler, Andreas Rausch
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Automated Configuration in Adaptive IoT Software Ecosystems to Reduce Manual Device Integration Effort: Application and Evaluation of a Novel Engineering Method
Fabian Burzlaff, Steffen Jacobs, Christian Bartelt
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Dynamic Adaptive System Composition Driven By Emergence in an IoT Based Environment: Architecture and Challenges
Nils Wilken, Mohamed Toufik Ailane, Christian Bartelt, Fabian Burzlaff, Christoph Knieke, Sebastian Lawrenz, Andreas Rausch, Arthur Strasser
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Development of a Digital Ecosystem Using the Example of Amazon
Marit Mathiszig, Anna Unterluggauer
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Analysing the Impact of the Implementation of a Blockchain in an Existing Business Model
Lars Heim
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Anonymization of Transactions in Distributed Ledger Technologies
Robert Werner, Sebastian Lawrenz, Andreas Rausch
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Towards an Evolving Software Ecosystem in the Mining Industry
Mirco Schindler, Sunny Schoone, Elisabeth Clausen
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
CLOUD COMPUTING 2020 secCC Special Track: Securing the Future of Cloud Computing
Chair and Coordinator: Aspen Olmsted, Ph.D., Fisher College, USA
Aspen Olmsted
- presentation slides / editorial
Secure Business Intelligence Markup Language (secBIML) for the Cloud
Aspen Olmsted
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Web Application Firewalls and Ways of Seeing Imperfect Tools
Andrew Zitek, Aspen Olmsted
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Using Bayesian Networks to Reduce SLO Violations in a Dynamic Cloud-based Environment
Aspen Olmsted, Agam Dua
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
CLOUD COMPUTING 2020 NCSIoT Special Track: Novel Cloud Approaches for Securing IoT Devices
LIVE Zoom Meeting: Monday Oct 26, 2020; Time 04:00 PM Helsinki Time
Zoom Meeting: https://arcada.zoom.us/j/68010579316?pwd=djhMRnVqK0R5akZOaUNDdVFtRGFSUT09
Meeting ID: 680 1057 9316
Chairs and Coordinators:
Dr. Magnus Westerlund, Arcada University of Applied Sciences, Finland
Prof. Dr. Bob Duncan, University of Aberdeen, UK
Prof. Dr. Andreas Aßmuth, Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule (OTH) Amberg-Weiden, Germany
PhD Candidate, Sebastian Fischer, Fraunhofer AISEC, Germany
Magnus Westerlund, Bob Duncan, Andreas Aßmuth, Sebastian Fischer
- presentation slides / editorial
IoT Device IdentificAtion and RecoGnition (IoTAG)
Lukas Hinterberger, Sebastian Fischer, Berhard Weber, Katrin Neubauer, Rudolf Hackenberg
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
A Study About the Different Categories of IoT in Scientific Publications
Sebastian Fischer, Katrin Neubauer, Rudolf Hackenberg
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Threat Analysis of Industrial Internet of Things Devices
Simon Liebl, Leah Lathrop, Ulrich Raithel, Matthias Söllner, Andreas Aßmuth
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Development of a Process-oriented Framework for Security Assessment of Cyber Physical Systems
Katrin Neubauer, Rudolf Hackenberg
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Securing the Internet of Things from the Bottom Up Using Physical Unclonable Functions
Leah Lathrop, Simon Liebl, Ulrich Raithel, Matthias Söllner, Andreas Aßmuth
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
An IoT Crypto Gateway for Resource-Constrained IoT Devices
Ahmed Alqattaa, Daniel Loebenberger
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Reliable Fleet Analytics for Edge IoT Solutions
Emmanuel Raj, Magnus Westerlund, Leonardo Espinosa-Leal
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Securing the Internet of Things from the Bottom Up Using an Immutable Blockchain-Based Secure Forensic Trail
Bob Duncan
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
PATTERNS 2020 CreaTology Special Track: Patterns in Digital Creative Arts
Chairs and Coordinators:
Dr. Ida Pu, Goldsmiths College, University of London, UK
Dr. Jacqueline Daykin, Aberystwyth University, UK
Ida Pu, Jacqueline Daykin
- presentation slides / editorial
Diffusion Patterns of Social Network Posts
Alexander Gubanov, Yuliya Mundrievskaya, Ida M. Pu
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Concepts for Computing Patterns in 15th Century Korean Music
Sukhie Moon, Jacqueline W. Daykin, Ida M. Pu
- presentation slides / reseaarchgate / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Spambots: Creative Deception
Hayam Alamro, Costas S. Iliopoulos
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
PATTERNS 2020 EMMPAT Special Track: Evolvable Modularity Patterns
Chair and Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Herwig Mannaert, University of Antwerp, Belgium
Herwig Mannaert
- presentation slides / editorial
Evolvability Analysis of Multiple Inheritance and Method Resolution Order in Python
Marek Suchánek, Robert Pergl
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
On Evolvability Issues of Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
Geert Haerens, Her Mannaert
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Exploring the Application of Ontologies in Organizations for Data Harmonization
Carlos Tubbax, Jan Verelst
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Regular Tracks
ADAPTIVE 2020, The Twelfth International Conference on Adaptive and Self-Adaptive Systems and Applications
Effective Self-Healing Networks Against Attacks or Disasters in Resource Allocation Control
Yukio Hayashi, Atsushi Tanaka, Jun Matsukubo
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
SensAI+Expanse Adaptation on Human Behaviour Towards Emotional Valence Prediction
Nuno Henriques, Helder Coelho, Leonel Garcia-Marques
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
SOBA: A Self-Organizing Bucket Architecture to Reduce Setup Times in an Event-Driven Production
Martin Krockert, Marvin Matthes, Torsten Munkelt
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Adaptation of Schedules and Scheduling Parameters in Cybernetic Systems
Uwe Baumgarten, Andreas Heimrath, Joachim Froeschl, Jan Ahlbrecht
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Validation of Self-Adaptive Systems’ Safety Requirements at Design Time
Rasha Abu Qasem, Peter Liggesmeyer
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Towards an Adaptive Lévy Walk Using Artificial Endocrine Systems
Hugo Sardinha, Mauro Dragone, Patricia Vargas
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Ant Colony Optimization for An Adaptive Transportation System: A New Termination Condition Definition Using an Environment Based Approach
Pierre Romet, Franck Gechter, El-Hassane Aglzim, Olivier Grunder, Sidi-Mohammed Senouci
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Performance Predictions for Adaptive Cloud-Based Systems using FMC-QE
Stephan Kluth
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Cooperation Strategies in a Time-Stepped Simulation of Foraging Robots
Liam McGuigan, Catherine Saunders, Roy Sterritt, George Wilkie
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
BUSTECH 2020, The Tenth International Conference on Business Intelligence and Technology
Challenge AI’s Mind: A Crowd System for Proactive AI Testing
Siwei Fu, Xiaotong Liu, Anbang Xu, Rama Akkiraju
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Inter-operating Co-opeting Entities - A Peer-to-Peer Approach to Cooperation between Competitors
Alain Sandoz
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Establishing the Development Strategies of Industrial Transformation for Consideration the Med-tech Stakeholders Based on the IAA-NRM Approach [PRESENTATION]
I-Ching Fang, Fong-Chin Su, Peng-Ting Chen
- presentation slides / video
Using Recurrent Neural Networks to Predict Future Events in a Case with Application to Cyber Security
Stephen Jacob, Yuansong Qiao, Paul Jacob, Brian Lee
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
CLOUD COMPUTING 2020, The Eleventh International Conference on Cloud Computing, GRIDs, and Virtualization
A Systematic Mapping Study on Edge Computing and Analytics
Andrei Morariu, Jonathan Shabulinzenze, Miikka Jaurola, Petteri Multanen, Kalevi Huhtala, Jerker Björkqvist, Kristian Nybom
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Mission-critical Cloud Computing Solutions Based on the Power Architecture [PRESENTATION]
Ian Robinson
- presentation slides / video
Migration of Data and Applications in the Cloud
Arian Kaçiu, Edmond Jajaga
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
System Operator: A Tool for System Management in Kubernetes Clusters
Jiye Yu, Yuki Naganuma, Takaya Ide
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
COGNITIVE 2020, The Twelfth International Conference on Advanced Cognitive Technologies and Applications
Social Interaction in Knowledge Acquisition: Advanced Curriculum. Critical Review of Studies Relevant to Social Behavior of Infants
Igor Val Danilov
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Symbiotic Thinking … for Cognitive Modeling as Well
Marta Franova, Yves Kodratoff
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
SensAI+Expanse Emotional Valence Prediction Studies with Cognition and Memory Integration
Nuno Henriques, Helder Coelho, Leonel Garcia-Marques
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Introduction of a Model-Based Approach to Psychology Class: Class Practice for Serial Position Effect Experiments
Kazuhisa Miwa, Kazuaki Kojima, Yuki Ninomiya, Asaya Shimojo
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
On Modeling the Role of Negative Emotions and the Effect of Panic in an Artificial Cognitive System
Olga Chernavskaya, Yaroslav Rozhylo
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Linking Computerized and Perceived Attributes of Visual Complexity
Kanaka Babshet, Vered Aharonson
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
3D SpaceQuantumIndexation and Computation via VoxelNET to Enhance 3D Cognitive Systemisation
Charlotte Sennersten, Craig Lindley
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Induced Acyclic Subgraphs With Optimized Endpoints
Moussa Abdenbi, Alexandre Blondin Massé, Alain Goupil
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Reproducing Fine Textures on Touch Displays Using Band-Limited White Noise Vibrations
Ugur Alican Alma, Ercan Altinsoy
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Cognitive Science Approach to Achieve SDGs
Muneo Kitajima
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
The Concept of Resonance: From Physics to Cognitive Psychology
Jerome Dinet, Munéo Kitajima
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Cognitive Digital Twins for the Process Industry
Sailesh Abburu, Arne J. Berre, Michael Jacoby, Dumitru Roman, Ljiljana Stojanovic, Nenad Stojanovic
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Hybrid Model Applied to the Vehicles Routing Problem With Simultaneous Pickups and Deliveries – VRPSPD
Pedro Pablo Ballesteros Silva, Diana Paola Ballesteros Riveros, Yanci Viviana Castro Bermúdez
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
The Dictionary Game: Toward a Characterization of Lexical Primitives Using Graph Theory and Relational Concept Analysis
Mickaël Wajnberg, Jean-Marie Poulin, Alexandre Blondin Massé, Petko Valtchev
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
CONTENT 2020, The Twelfth International Conference on Creative Content Technologies
Video Teaching Materials to Train Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing Curators in Museums
Miki Namatame, Masami Kitamura
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Architectural Considerations for the System Landscape of the Digital Transformation
Hans-Werner Sehring
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
QRCode DOOR Project: Access Control Application using QR Code Image
Luiz Antonio Pereira Neves, Kevin Santos Martins, William Ricardo Santos Lima, Gilson Antonio Giraldi
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
FUTURE COMPUTING 2020, The Twelfth International Conference on Future Computational Technologies and Applications
Guillaume Khenchaff’s Measure for Clustering Method
Spinoza Paula Niels, Rahajaniaina Andriamasinoro, Jessel Jean-Pierre
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
PATTERNS 2020, The Twelfth International Conference on Pervasive Patterns and Applications
Pattern-based Deployment Models Revisited: Automated Pattern-driven Deployment Configuration
Lukas Harzenetter, Uwe Breitenbücher, Michael Falkenthal, Jasmin Guth, Frank Leymann
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Efficiently Detecting Disguised Web Spambots (with Mismatches) in a Temporally Annotated Sequence
Hayam Alamro, Costas S. Iliopoulos
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Analysis of Spatiotemporal Patterns of Changes in Brightness of Nighttime Lights (NTL) in the Former USSR Territory
Michail Zhizhin, Alexey Poyda, Alexander Troussov, Sergey Maruev
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Reliability Displays in Building Information Modeling: A Pattern Approach
Alexander G. Mirnig, Peter Fröhlich, Johann Schrammel, Damiano Falcioni, Michael Gafert, Manfred Tscheligi
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
SERVICE COMPUTATION 2020, The Twelfth International Conference on Advanced Service Computing
Lightweight Offline Access Control for Smart Cars
Gian-Luca Frei, Fedor Gamper, Annett Laube
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Keep it in Sync! Consistency Approaches for Microservices - An Insurance Case Study
Arne Koschel, Andreas Hausotter, Moritz Lange, Sina Gottwald
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Towards a Tool-based Approach for Microservice Antipatterns Identification
Rafik Tighilt, Manel Abdellatif, Naouel Moha, Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc
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Farewell Message
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