The Ninth International Conference on Software Engineering Advances
ICSEA 2014
October 12 - 16, 2014 - Nice, France |
Technical Co-Sponsors and Logistics Supporters |
printer friendly pdf version |
- Colocated with other events part of SoftNet 2014
- Posters will be presented during the conference
- A Work in Progress track is available for preliminary work
- A Research Ideas track is available for ideas in early stages
- A Doctoral Forum track is available for discussing and publishing early PhD thesis research
Submission (full paper) |
May 16, 2014 June 11, 2014 |
Notification |
July 12, 2014 July 14, 2014 |
Registration |
July 26, 2014 |
Camera ready |
August 15, 2014 |
ISSN: 2308-4235
ISBN: 978-1-61208-367-4 |
All tracks/topics are open to both research and industry contributions.
Advances in fundamentals for software development
Fundamentals in software development;
Software architecture, patterns, frameworks;
Software analysis and model checking;
Software architectural scalability;
Requirements engineering and design;
Software design (methodologies, patterns, experiences, views, design by contract, design by responsibilities, etc.);
Software modeling (OO, non-OO, MDA, SOA, patterns, UML, etc.);
Software process and workflow;
Software validation and verification;
Software testing and testing tools;
Software implementation;
Software project management (risk analysis, dependencies, etc.); Component-based software development; Service-oriented software development; Software security-based development; Aspect-oriented software development
Advanced mechanisms for software development
Software composition;
Process composition and refactoring;
Co-design and codeplay;
Software dependencies;
Plug&play software;
Adaptive software;
Context-sensitive software;
Policy-driven software design;
Software rejuvenation;
Feature interaction detection and resolution;
Embedded software;
Parallel and distributed software
Advanced design tools for developing software
Formal specifications in software;
Programming mechanisms (real-time, multi-threads, etc.);
Programming techniques (feature-oriented, aspects-oriented, generative programming, agents-oriented, contextual-oriented, incremental, stratified, etc.);
Requirement specification languages;
Programming languages;
Automation of software design and implementation;
Software design with highly distributed resources (GRID);
Web service based software;
Scenario-based model synthesis;
Merging partial behavioral models;
Partial goal/requirement satisfaction
Advanced facilities for accessing software
Information modeling;
GUI related software;
Computer-aided software design;
Hierarchical APIs;
APIs roles in software development;
Ontology support for Web Services;
Rapid prototyping tools;
Embedded software quality;
Thread modeling;
Flexible Objects;
Use cases;
Visual Modeling
Software performance
Software performance modeling;
Software performance engineering (UML diagrams, Process algebra, Petri nets, etc.);
Software performance requirements;
Performance forecast for specific applications;
Performance testing;
Web-service based software performance;
Performance of rule-based software;
Methods for performance improvements;
Software performance experience reports;
Program failures experiences;
Error ranking via correlation;
Empirical evaluation of defects
Software security, privacy, safeness
Security requirements, design, and engineering;
Software safety and security;
Security, privacy and safeness in software;
Software vulnerabilities;
Assessing risks in software;
Software for online banking and transactions;
Software trace analysis;
Software uncertainties;
Dynamic detection of likely invariants;
Human trust in interactive software;
Memory safety;
Safety software reuse;
High confidence software;
Trusted computing;
Next generation secure computing
Advances in software testing
Formal approaches for test specifications;
Advanced testing methodologies;
Static and dynamic analysis;
Strategies for testing nondeterministic systems;
Testing software releases;
Generating tests suites;
Evolutionary testing of embedded systems;
Algorithmic testing;
Exhaustive testing;
Black-box testing;
Testing at the design level;
Testing reactive software;
Empirical evaluation
Specialized software advanced applications
Database related software;
Software for disaster recovery applications;
Software for mobile vehicles;
Biomedical-related software;
Biometrics related software;
Mission critical software;
Real-time software;
E-health related software;
Military software;
Crisis-situation software;
Software for Bluetooth and mobile phones;
Multimedia software applications
Web Accessibility
Design approaches, techniques, and tools to support Web accessibility; Best practices for evaluation, testing reviews and repair techniques; Accessibility across the entire system lifecycle; Accessibility within e-organizations: good practices and experiences; Industry and research collaboration, learning from practice, and technology transfer; Mobile Internet-Web Accessibility; Developing user interfaces for different devices; Dealing with different interaction modalities; Web authoring guidelines and tools; Accessibility and other core areas related to the Web user experience; (UX): Usability, Findability, Valuability, Credibility, etc.; Innovations in assistive technologies for the Web; Accessible graphic formats and tools for their creation; Adaptive Web accessibility; Accessibility and information architecture; Universally accessible graphical design approaches; User Profiling; Cognitive and behavioral psychology of end user experiences and scenarios
Open source software
Open source software (OSS) methodologies;
OSS development and debugging;
Security in OSS;
Performance of OSS;
OSS roles and responsibilities;
OSS incremental development;
Division of labor and coordination mechanisms;
Distribution of decision-making;
Operational boundaries;
Experience reports and lessons learned;
Versioning management;
Towards generalizing the OSS methodologies and practices;
Open source licensing;
Industrial movement towards open source
Agile software techniques
Agile software methodologies and practices (extreme programming, scrum, feature-driven, etc.);
Agile modeling (serial in the large, iterative in the small);
Agile model driven design;
Agile methodologies for embedded software;
Software metrics for agile projects;
Lifecycle for agile software development;
Agile user experience design;
Agility via program automation;
Testing into an agile environment;
Agile project planning;
Agile unified process
Software deployment and maintenance
Software in small and large organizations; Deploying and maintaining open source software; Software maintenance; Software assurance; Patching; Run-time vulnerability checking; Software rejuvenation; Software updates; Partial or temporary feature deprecation; Multi-point software deployment and configuration; On-line software updates
Software engineering techniques, metrics, and formalisms
Software reuse; Software quality metrics (complexity, empiric metrics, etc.); Software re-engineering (reverse engineering); Software composition; Software integration; Consistency checking; Real-time software development; Temporal specification; Model checking; Theorem provers; Modular reasoning; Petri Nets; Formalisms for behavior specification; Advanced techniques for autonomic components and systems
Business technology
Enterprise Content Managements (ECMs); Business Intelligence (BI); Enterprise Portals; Business Process Management (BPM); Corporate Performance Management (CPM); Enterprise Data Warehouse; Web Publishing; Cloud Computing; Virtualisation; Data Mining; Workflows; Business Rules Management (BRM); Data Capturing
Software economics, adoption, and education
Patenting software;
Software licensing;
Software economics;
Software engineering education;
Academic and industrial views on software adoption and education;
Good-to-great in software adoption and improvement;
Software knowledge management
Improving productivity in research on software engineering
Developing frameworks to support research; Methods and tools to improving the research environment; Supporting domain specific research needs; Teaching research skills in Computer Science; Experience reports on well developed research processes; Experience reports on empirical approaches to software engineering research; Approaches to supporting higher degree students in their research; Approaches to enlarge the research / teaching nexus to improve academics productivity; Approaches to integration between university research and industry research; Tools to support the research process; Software process improvement framework (CMMI, etc.); Quality improvement framework; Process simulation and measurement; Test
improvement framework