The Third International Conference on
Emerging Network Intelligence
November 20-25, 2011 - Lisbon, Portugal |
Technical Co-Sponsors and Logistics Supporters |
printer friendly pdf version |
Submission (full paper) |
June 20, 2011 July 15, 2011 |
Notification |
Aug 31 September 1, 2011 |
Registration |
September 15, 2011 |
Camera ready |
September 20, 2011 |
ISBN: 978-1-61208-174-8 |
All tracks/topics are open to both research and industry contributions.
Evolution of telecommunications network architectures
Advanced communications systems; New configurable protocols stacks and real-time mechanisms; Applications and services for next-generation architectures; Scalability and manageability of network architectures; Opportunistic and cooperative communications; Next generation networks (NGN); Optical networks; Wireless networks, Mobile networks; Ad-Hoc, Sensor, Vehicle networks; Access, Residential, Last mile networks; Home, Body and Personal area Networks; Active networks; Self Organizing networks; Storage area networks; Peer-to-Peer and overlay networks; Network measurements and testbeds; Transmission technologies (e.g., Ultra Wideband)
Applications and services
Peer-to-Peer applications and services; Web services; Mobile applications; Entertainment and games; Home automation; Surveillance, Home monitoring; Medical and health applications; e-commerce, m-commerce; Location-based services; Real-time and multimedia applications; Real-time services over IP
Networking and service differentiation
Network design and planning; Network management and control; Traffic engineering; Traffic control, Flow control; Congestion and admission control; QoS support and Performance; Routing, Switching, QoS routing; Mobility management; Multicast; Service reliability, availability
Emerging networking
Network coding; Visualization of network behavior; Semantic routing; Network flow processing; Cross-layer design and optimization;
High-speed networking;
Context-aware mobile networking
Advanced network elements
Network processors; Content addressable memories; Multi-core processors; Context-aware reconfigurable devices; Portable and wearable devices;
Mobile multimedia devices
Power optimization in data centers; Delay and fault tolerant networks; Video conferencing and telepresence systems; Resource optimization; Context-aware optimization
Quality of service; Quality of performance; Quality of experience; Quality of data; Quality of modeling; Quality-oriented routing; Quality of context /degradation, trust, uncertainty, consistency/
Cognitive radio; Autonomic and dependable communications; Ambient systems; Identity and location in mobile environments; Smart homes;
Brain-like networking and computing
Resource discovery; Service discovery; Content discovery; Flaws/anomaly discovery
Anticipative control and management; Data protection strategies; Collaborative Internet attack containment; Micro-kernels and robustness
Trust and credential negotiations; Privacy; Intrusion prevention and containment; Security in virtualization approach; Architectural support for security;
Security, privacy, and dependability;
Security in cooperative networks
Programmable and real-time network traffic measurements; Adaptive scheduling; Network and application load balancing; High-performance capabilities-based networks; Software techniques to improve virtualized I/O performance
Frequently changing user profile; User mobility and ubiquity; Scalable and resource intensive multi-user distributed applications; User identity and multi-service access technologies; End-user perception;
End-user based networking and service orchestration;
End-user activity recognition with multiple goals
Mobile Internet services;
Mobility-oriented protocols /Mobile IP, etc./;
Wearable and/or mobile technologies;
Self-discovery and localizing entities;
Seamless handover
Ubiquitous computing;
Pervasive and embedded systems;
Ubiquitous sustainability;
Sensing location;
Activity patterns;
Smart environments in the workplaces;
Ubiquitous cities
Semantics and Adaptiveness
Content-aware networks;
Network-aware applications;
Semantic Web;
Adaptive systems;
Adaptive applications;
Ontology-based adaptation;
Semantic profile;
Semantic service orchestration;
Multi-technology semantic integration /sensors, ehealth, geosensing, etc./
Wireless access technologies / WLANs, WiMAX, satellite, 3G, etc./;
Multi-hop wireless networks /sensor, ad hoc, mesh, etc./;
Wireless QoS and reliability;
Wireless body area networks;
Energy optimization
Emerging technologies and applications
Vehicular ad hoc networks;
Bio-inspired networks;
Tele-medicine/e-health networks;
User-centric services and applications;
Autonomous and autonomic systems;
Self-manageable systems; Emerging computation business models;
Social networks;