The First International Conference on Informatics and Assistive Technologies for Health-Care, Medical Support and Wellbeing
August 21 - 25, 2016 - Rome, Italy |
SoftNet 2016
ICSEA 2016 / ICSNC 2016 / CENTRIC 2016 /
VALID 2016 / SIMUL 2016 / SOTICS 2016 / INNOV 2019 / HEALTHINFO 2016
Conference Venue Location
Conference Hotel
Via Pietro Blaserna, 101 (Quartiere Marconi)
Roma 00146
Phone: (39) 06 556 52 15
Conference rooms
Time slots |
Room A |
Room B |
Room C |
Room D |
Sunday, August 21
12:00 |
Registration starts
The registration desk is located in front of the meeting rooms
Operating during the entire conference |
13:30 - 16:00 |
Tutorial I
Fog Computing, Mobile Edge Computing, Cloudlets - Which One?
Prof. Dr. Eugen Borcoci, University Politehnica – Bucharest, Romania |
16:00 - 16:15 |
Coffee |
16:15 - 18:45 |
Tutorial II
How to Tell Apart the Good from the Bad:
Setting Thresholds in Software Engineering
Prof. Dr. Luigi Lavazza, Università degli Studi dell’Insubria, Italy |
19:00 - 20:00 |
Conference Welcome Cocktail
Have your badge at the cocktail meeting |
Monday, August 22
09:00 - 09:15 |
Opening session |
09:15 - 10:05 |
Keynote Speaker
Reloading the Treasure of Human Experiences for Machine Learning: Challenges in Social Media Technologies, Communication, and Informatics
Prof. Dr. Andrea Nanetti, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore |
10:05 - 10:15 |
Coffee |
10:15 - 12:00 |
Topics: Smart-Citizen and Smart-City Systems and Services
Stephan Böhm, RheinMain University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Valentin Plenk, Institute of Information Systems at Hof University, Germany
Mariusz Nowostawski, NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Andrea Nanetti, Nanyang Technological University Singapore, Singapore |
12:00 - 12:15 |
Coffee Break |
12:15 - 14:00 |
14:00 - 15:00 |
Lunch on your own |
15:00 - 15:50 |
Keynote Speaker
Digital Marketing: Balancing Analytics and Privacy in a Connected World
Brian Blake, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, USA |
15:50 -16:00 |
Coffee |
16:00 - 17:45 |
Topics: Simulation and Validation Challenges in Industrial Systems
Jos van Rooyen, Bartosz ICT, Postbus, Veenendaal, the Netherlands
Xinli Gu, Huawei Technologies, USA
Arash Ramezani, University of the Federal Armed Forces, Germany
Marek Bauer, Cracow University of Technology, Poland |
17:45 - 18:00 |
Coffee Break |
18:00 - 19:45 |
Tuesday, August 23
09:15 - 10:05 |
Keynote Speaker
Health Connected Objects will Revolutionize Healthcare Organizations for Better or Worse
Prof. Dr. Francois Allaert, Evaluation Chair ESC, University Dijon, France |
10:05 - 10:15 |
Coffee |
10:15 - 12:00 |
Topic: Citizen-oriented Health Systems and Services
Lasse Berntzen, University College of Southeast, Norway Panelists
Ludek Matyska, Institut of Computer Science, Masaryk University & CESNET, Czech Republic
Francois Allaert, Evaluation Chair ESC, University Dijon, France
Osamu Takaki, Gunma University Hospital, Japan
Emilio Luque, University Autonoma of Barcelona, Spain
Jorge de Jesús Lozoya Santos, Universidad de Monterrey, México |
12:00 - 12:15 |
Coffee Break |
12:15 - 14:00 |
14:00 - 15:00 |
Lunch on your own |
15:00 - 15:50 |
Keynote Speaker
Qualities of Communications Protocols and Their Bearing on Engineering Successful Software Systems
Prof. Dr. Stephen Clyde, Utah State University, USA |
15:50 -16:00 |
Coffee |
16:00 - 17:45 |
Panel on ICSEA/Apps
Topic: Challenges for Building Applications and Services for Smart Devices
Krishna Kavi, University of North Texas, USA
Michael Gebhart, iteratec GmbH, Germany
Mira Kajko-Mattsson, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Sylvain Vauttier, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines d'Alès, France
Petre Dini, IARIA, USA |
17:45 - 18:00 |
Coffee Break |
18:00 - 19:45 |
ICSEA 10 |
Wednesday, August 24
09:15 - 10:05 |
Keynote Speaker
IP 2020 - Network Trends for the Year 2020
Burjiz Pithawala, VP/CTO, Huawei Systems, USA |
10:05 - 10:15 |
Coffee |
10:15 - 12:00 |
Topic: Trusted and Scalable Systems and Services: Challenges
Jorge Cobb, The University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Eugen Borcoci, University POLITEHNICA Bucharest, Romania
Sung-Soon Park, Anyang University/Gluesys, Republic of Korea
Marta Piekarska, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
Burjiz Pithawala, Huawei Technologies, USA |
12:00 - 12:15 |
Coffee Break |
12:15 - 14:00 |
ICSEA 11 |
14:00 - 15:00 |
Lunch on your own |
15:00 - 15:50 |
Keynote Speaker
Killing Several Birds with One Stone: Using SEMATs ESSENCE in Teaching Software Engineering
Prof. Dr. Mira Kajko-Mattsson, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden |
15:50 -16:00 |
Coffee |
16:00 - 17:45 |
Panel on ICSEA/Req&Dev
Topic: Validating Products versus Requirements; Dis(covering) the Gaps
Michael Gebhart, iteratec GmbH, Germany
Jon Geater, Thales e-Security-Ltd., UK
Heidar Pirzadeh, SAP SE, Canada
Radek Koci, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
Luis Fernandez Sanz, Universidad de Alcalá, Spain
Mira Kajko-Mattsson, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden |
17:45 - 18:00 |
Coffee Break |
18:00 - 19:45 |
ICSEA 12 |
20:30 - 23:30 |
Thursday, August 25
09:15 - 10:05 |
Keynote Speaker
Blockchains in Distributed and Peer-to-Peer Systems: A Socio-technical Perspective
Prof. Dr. Mariusz Nowostawski
NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway |
10:05 - 10:15 |
Coffee |
10:15 - 12:00 |
Panel on Systems Reliability
Topic: Challenges and Common Industrial Practice to Improve Systems Reliability
Xinli Gu, Huawei Technologies, USA
Bill Eklow, ex-Cisco Systems, Inc.s, USA
Jun Qian, AMD, China
Jaan Raik, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
Massimo Violante, Politecnico di Torino, Italy |
12:00 - 12:15 |
Coffee Break |
12:15 - 14:00 |
ICSEA 13 |
14:00 - 15:00 |
Lunch on your own |
15:00 - 15:50 |
Keynote Speaker
Software is Vital:
Secure Software Engineering Practices for the Age of Smart Cities
Jon Geater, Thales e-Security-Ltd., UK |
15:50 -16:05 |
Coffee Break |
16:05 - 17:50 |
ICSEA 14 |
17:50 - 18:15 |
Friday, August 26
Recommended to be seen on your own
From via della Conciliazione (Tourist bus parking), visit The Vatican
Saint Peter's Basilica
Cupola of St. Peter's Basilica
Vatican Museums
Sistine Chapel and St. Peter's Basilica
Piazza Navona
Piazza Venezia
Trevi Fountain
Detailed Program
CENTRIC 2016, The Ninth International Conference on Advances in Human-oriented and Personalized Mechanisms, Technologies, and Services
CENTRIC 1: User-centric Systems
Session chair: Erik Massarczyk
Mobile Recruiting Beyond Job Search: A User-Centered Approach for Smartphone-Based Job Applications
Stephan Böhm, Wolfgang Achilles
PROFRAME: A Prototyping Framework for Mobile Enterprise Applications
Matthias Jurisch, Bodo Igler, Stephan Böhm
Using Mobile Geographical Information System for Biomass Waste Management
Valentim Realinho, Miguel Belém
A Citizen-centric Public Sector
Lasse Berntzen, Marius Rohde Johannessen, Ansgar Ødegård
CENTRIC 2: Privacy and Applications
Session chair: Lasse Berntzen
Influence of the Perception of Data Security on Customer Usage of Internet Services
Erik Massarczyk, Peter Winzer
Improving Special Purpose Machine User-Interfaces by Machine-Learning Algorithms
Valentin Plenk
Keyboard Input by Movement of the Finger and Pointer using a Smart Device
Jungpil Shin, Hiromasa Omote, Cheol Min Kim
Hide, Don't Seek: on User-Centric Location Accuracy
Marta Piekarska
CENTRIC 3 / POSETE: Pollutants Sensing Techniques for Human Health Damages Estimation
Session chair: Umberto Cerasani
POSETE Session Introduction [PRESENTATION]
Umberto Cerasani
Light Reflection Spectrum Comparison of Pesticides Free Foods, Organic Foods and Conventional Farming Foods for VIS NIR Filter Creation
Oumy Diop, Umberto Cerasani
User Blood and Organs Pesticides Concentration Estimation System Based on Two Compartments Parmacokinetic Models
Umberto Cerasani, Dominique Bedra
HEALTHINFO 2016, The First International Conference on Informatics and Assistive Technologies for Health-Care, Medical Support and Wellbeing
HEALTHINFO 1: Health Informatics Security
Session chair: Sylvain Vauttier
A Cuffless Blood Pressure Monitor for Home Healthcare Systems Monitored by Health Professionals
Toshiyo Tamura, Masaki Sekine, Zunyi Tang
Nurstrial®: A Smartphone Application for Clinical Research on Wound Healing [PRESENTATION]
Francois Allaert
HEALTHINFO 2: Health Informatics Applications
Session chair: Gaeil An
Architecture for Monitoring Security State of ISO/IEEE 11073 Healthcare User Domain
Gaeil An, Doyoung Chung, Byungho Chung
The Challenges of Security of Connected Objects and Health Applications [PRESENTATION]
Francois-André Allaert, Noël-Jean Mazen, Louis Legrand, Catherine Quantin
ICSEA 2016, The Eleventh International Conference on Software Engineering Advances
ICSEA 1: Software Engineering Techniques, Metrics, and Formalisms I
Session chair: Rehman Arshad
The Uncomfortable Discrepancies of Software Metric Thresholds and Reference Values in Literature
Eudes Lima, Antônio Resende, Timothy Lethbridge
CERTICS - A Harmonization with CMMI-DEV Practices for Implementation of Technology Management Competence Area
Fabrício W S Garcia, Sandro R B Oliveira, Clênio F Salviano
An Investigation on the Relative Cost of Function Point Analysis Phases
Luigi Lavazza
A Pattern Language for Application-level Communication Protocols
Jorge Lascano, Stephen Clyde
ICSEA 2: Software Engineering Techniques, Metrics, and Formalisms II
Session chair: Luigi Lavazza
A Concise Classification of Reverse Engineering Approaches for Software Product Lines
Rehman Arshad, kung-Kiu Lau
A UML-based Simple Function Point Estimation Method and Tool
Geng Liu, Xingqi Wang, Jinglong Fang
Transaction-Aware Aspects with TransJ: An Initial Empirical Study to Demonstrate Improvement in Reusability
Anas AlSobeh, Stephen Clyde
Modeling and Formal Specification Of Multi-scale Software Architectures
Ilhem Khlif, Mohamed Hadj Kacem, Khalil Drira, Ahmed Hadj Kacem
ICSEA 3: Advances in Software Testing
Session chair: Lucy Ellen Lwakatare
A Cost-benefit Evaluation of Accessibility Testing in Agile Software Development
Aleksander Bai, Heidi Camilla Mork, Viktoria Stray
Toward Automatic Performance Testing for REST-based Web Applications
Chia Hung Kao, Chun Cheng Lin, Hsin Tse Lu
Reports with TDD and Mock Objects: an Improvement in Unit Tests
Alan S. C. Mazuco, Edna D. Canedo
FAST: Framework for Automating Software Testing
Ana Paula Carvalho Cavalcanti Furtado, Silvio Meira, Carlos Santos, Tereza Novais, Marcelo Ferreira
Configuration Management to Tests Automatics in a Software Factory
Marcelo Ferreira, Ana Paula Furtado, Ivaldir Junior
ICSEA 4: Advances in Fundamentals for Software Development I
Session chair: Aleksander Bai
An Exploratory Study of DevOps: Extending the Dimensions of DevOps with Practices
Lucy Ellen Lwakatare, Pasi Kuvaja, Markku Oivo
The Daily Crash: a Reflection on Continuous Performance Testing
Gururaj Maddodi, Slinger Jansen, Jan Pieter Guelen, Rolf de Jong
Formalization of Ergonomic Knowledge For Designing Context-Aware Human-Computer Interfaces
Dorra Zaibi, Meriem Riahi, Faouzi Moussa
COTS Adaptation Method – A Lifecycle Perspective
Waldemar Britts, Mira Kajko-Mattsson
ICSEA 5: Advances in Fundamentals for Software Development II
Session chair: André Oliveira
Towards Easier Implementation of Design Patterns
Ruslan Batdalov, Oksana Nikiforova
Spider-DAR: A Tool to Support the Implementation of Decision Analysis and Resolution Process based on CMMI-DEV and MR-MPS-SW Models
Luiz O D Lima, Sandro R B Oliveira, Bleno W F V Silva, Géssica P Silva, Iuri I S Raiol
Challenges of the Digital Transformation in Software Engineering
Michael Gebhart, Pascal Giessler, Sebastian Abeck
ICSEA 6: Advanced Mechanisms for Software Development
Session chair: Michael Gebhart
An Approach to Generation of the UML Sequence Diagram from the Two-Hemisphere Model
Konstantin Gusarov, Oksana Nikiforova, Anatoly Ressin
ReUse: A Recommendation System for Implementing User Stories
Heidar Pirzadeh, Andre de Santi Oliveira, Sara Shanian
Combining Logistic Regression Analysis and Association Rule Mining via MLR Algorithm
Özge Yücel Kasap, Nevzat Ekmekçi, Utku Görkem Ketenci
Modeling System Requirements Using Use Cases and Petri Nets
Radek Koci, Vladimir Janousek
ICSEA 7: Advances in Fundamentals for Software Development III
Session chair: Özge Yücel Kasap
A Strategy for Statistical Process Control Education in Computer Science
Julio C C Furtado, Sandro R B Oliveira
Towards Applying Normalized Systems Theory to Create Evolvable Enterprise Resource Planning Software: A Case Study
Ornchanok Chongsombut, Jan Verelst, Peter De Bruyn, Herwig Mannaert, Philip Huysmans
A Three-level Versioning Model for Component-based Software Architectures
Abderrahman Mokni, Christelle Urtado, Sylvain Vauttier, Marianne Huchard
ICSEA 8: Software Deployment and Maintenance
Session chair: Stephen Clyde
Services for Legacy Software Rejuvenation: A Systematic Mapping Study
Manuel Gonçalves da Silva Neto, Walquiria Castelo Branco Lins, Eric Bruno Perazzo Mariz
A Framework with Agile Practices for Implementation of Project Portfolio Management Process
Lílian S F Silva, Sandro R B Oliveira
Software Evolution Visualization Tools Functional Requirements – a Comprehensive Understanding
Hani Bani-Salameh, Ayat Ahmad, Dua'a Bani-Salameh
Development of Network System Based on Fiber-To-The-Desktop (FTTD) in a National University Hospital
Osamu Takaki, Kota Torikai, Shinichi Tsujimura, Ryoji Suzuki, Yuichiro Saito, Takashi Aoki, Kenta Maeda, Ichiroh Suzuta, Nobukuni Hamamoto
ICSEA 9: Specialized Software Advanced Applications
Session chair: Mikko Puonti
A CASE Tool for Modeling Healthcare Applications with Archetypes and Analysis Patterns
André Magno Costa de Araújo, Valéria Cesário Times, Marcus Urbano da Silva, Carlos Andrew Costa Bezerra
3D Human Heart Anatomy : Simulation and Visualization Based on MR Images
Chebbi Tawfik, Rawia Frikha, Ridha Ejbali, Mourad Zaied
Towards a Smart Car Seat Design for Drowsiness Detection Based on Pressure Distribution of the Driver’s Body
Ines Teyeb, Olfa Jemai, Mourad Zaied, Chokri Ben Amar
Detection and Classification of Dental Caries in X-ray Images Using Deep Neural Networks
Ramzi Ben Ali, Ridha Ejbali, Mourad Zaied
ICSEA 10: Business Technology
Session chair: Andre Araujo
Towards Agile Enterprise Data Warehousing
Mikko Puonti, Antti Luoto, Timo Aho, Timo Lehtonen, Timo Aaltonen
Toward the Design and Implementation of the Hosted Private Cloud
Chia Hung Kao, Hsin Tse Lu
A General Solution for Business Process Model Extension with Cost Perspective based on Process Mining
Dhafer Thabet, Sonia Ayachi Ghannouchi, Henda Hajjami Ben Ghezala
Basel Application and Risk Management in ITC projects at the University of Brasilia [PRESENTATION]
Reinaldo Baldoino Filho, Carlos Silva, João Souza
ICSEA 11: Software Engineering for Service Computing
Session chair: Luis Fernandez Sanz
Understandability Metric for Web Services
Usama Maabed, Ahmed Elfatatry, Adel El-Zoghabi
Towards an Open Smart City Notification Service
Luiz Cajueiro, Silvino Neto, Felipe Ferraz, Ana Cavalcanti
Using Supporting Visual Elements in Text for People with Dyslexia [PRESENTATION]
Tereza Pařilová, Eva Hladka
ICSEA 12: Advanced Design Tools for Developing Software
Session chair: Ruslan Batdalov
A Set of Support Tools to Software Process Appraisal and Improvement in Adherence to CMMI-DEV
Leonardo P Mezzomo, Sandro R B Oliveira, Alexandre M L Vasconcelos
A New Algorithm to Parse a Mathematical Expression and its Application to Create a Customizable Programming Language
Vassili Kaplan
Proposed Data Model for a Historical Base Tool
Karine Santos Valença, Edna Dias Canedo, Ricardo Ajax Dias Kosloski, Sérgio Antônio Andrade de Freitas
Analysis of Expectations of Students and Their Initial Concepts on Software Quality
Luis Fernandez-Sanz, José Amelio Medina Merodio, Josefa Gómez Pérez, Sanjay Misra
ICSEA 13: Software Security, Privacy, Safeness
Session chair: Eriko Brito
iGuard: A Personalized Privacy Guard System for Cloud Service Usage on Mobile Devices
Chien-Wei Hu, Hewijin Jiau, Kuo-Feng Ssu
Trust-Oriented Protocol for Continuous Monitoring of Stored Files in Cloud
Alexandre Pinheiro, Edna Dias Canedo, Rafael Timóteo de Sousa Júnior, Robson de Oliveira Albuquerque
Smart Cities Security Issues: An Impeding Identity Crisis
Felipe Ferraz, Carlos Ferraz, Ademir Gomes
Predicting Unknown Vulnerabilities using Software Metrics and Maturity Models
Patrick Kamongi, Krishna Kavi, Mahadevan Gomathisankaran
ICSEA 14: Agile and Lean Approaches in Software Engineering
Session chair: Krishna Kavi
A Catalog of Best Practices about Supplier Agreement Management and Agile Practices
Elisiane M Soares, Sandro R B Oliveira, Melquizedequi C Santos, Alexandre M L Vasconcelos
Integrating Service Design Prototyping into Software Development
Tanja Sauvola, Simo Rontti, Laura Laivamaa, Markku Oivo, Pasi Kuvaja
Business Model Canvas as an Option for Co-Creation of Strategic Themes of SAFe Portfolio
Eriko Brito, Felipe Furtado
A Synchronous Agile Framework Proposal Combining Scrum and TDD
Marcia Maria Savoine, Vanessa França Rocha, Carlos Andrew Costa Bezerra, André Magno Costa de Araújo, Joyce Karoline Maciel Matias
ICSNC 2016, The Eleventh International Conference on Systems and Networks Communications
ICSNC 1: Multimedia Communications Systems
Session chair: Eugen Borcoci
Modeling IP Telephony Call with Simple Algebraic Relations
Ilija Basicevic, Miroslav Popovic, Djordje Saric
Error Resilient FEC Video Transmission Based on Optimal FEC Code Rate Decision
Tae-jun Jung, Joowon Lee, Kwang-deok Kwang-deok, Yo-Won Jeong
ICSNC 2: Applications
Session chair: Ilija Basicevic
In Defense of Stint for Breach-Free Sensor Barriers
Jorge Cobb
GitStud: A Web-based Application for Sharing Project Files
Mohammad Bsoul, Emad E. Abdallah, Qais Saif, Ibrahim Albarghouthi, Mohammed Albeddawi, Essam Qaddurah
An NS-2 Based Simulator for Smart Grid AMI Network [PRESENTATION]
Nam-Uk Kim, Tai-Myoung Chung
INNOV 2016, The Fifth International Conference on Communications, Computation, Networks and Technologies
INNOV 1: Networking and Communication
Session chair: Seungsu Jun
Using Sensor Technology to Monitor and Report Vandalized Pipelines
Mohammed Yusuf Agetegba, Pascal Lorenz
Fast and Memory Efficient NFA Pattern Matching using GPU
Yeim-Kuan Chang, Yu-Hao Tseng
Performance Anomaly in Download TCP Flows Over IEEE 802.11n Wireless LAN
Yoshiki Hashimoto, Masataka Nomoto, Celimuge Wu, Satoshi Ohzahata, Toshihiko Kato
Extent-Based Allocation Scheme for Hybrid Storage Solutions
Jaechun No, Sung-soon Park
INNOV 2: Security and Information Systems
Session chair: Stephan Böhm
A Study on Information System for Science of Science and Technology Policy
Seung Su Chun, Seung Ryong Lee
A Framework for Anonymous Communication in MANETs based on Access Control and Authenticated Key Agreement
Ehab Zakaria, Haitham Hamza, Imane Saroit
Back to the Future: Evaluation Model for Wearables Based On the Past Experience
Marta Piekarska, Shinjo Park, Altaf Shaik
INNOV 3: Mobility and Ubiquity
Session chair: Sung-Soon Park
A Code Offloading Framework for Mobile Cloud Computing: ICEMobile
Emre Calisir, Gülfem Isiklar Alptekin, B. Atay Ozgovde
Application Scenario of BIM-GIS Test-bed Implementation for Facility Management
Ji-Eun Kim, Chang-Hee Hong
Smart Data Pricing Model for Intelligent Transportation Systems
Sadettin Emre Alptekin
SIMUL 2016, The Eighth International Conference on Advances in System Simulation
SIMUL 1: Simulation Methodologies
Session chair: Rafal Kozik
A Description Language for Environmental Fields Synthesis in Maritime Co-Simulation Scenarios
Liqun Wu, Axel Hahn
Efficient Quantile Estimation When Applying Stratified Sampling and Conditional Monte Carlo, With Applications to Nuclear Safety
Marvin Nakayama
Computational Vibrational Spectroscopy of Hydrophilic Drug Irinotecan
Bojana Koteska, Anastas Mishev, Maja Simonoska Crcarevska, Jasmina Tonic Ribarska, Marija Glavas Dodov, Ljupco Pejov
Numerical Simulation and Experimental Model-Validation for Fiber-Reinforced Plastics Under Impact Loading - Using the Example of Ultra-High Molecular Weight Polyethylene
Arash Ramezani, Hendrik Rothe
SIMUL 2: Simulation Models
Session chair: Marek Bauer
A Comparison of Some Simple and Complex Surrogate Models: Make Everything as Simple as Possible?
Wim De Mulder, Bernhard Rengs, Geert Molenberghs, Thomas Fent, Geert Verbeke
Pedestrian Activity Simulation in Shopping Environments - An Irregular Network Approach
Jan Dijkstra, Joran Jessurun
'An Integrated Modelling Approach for Spatial-aware Federated Simulation
Jingquan Xie, Rafal Kozik, Nikolas Flourentzou
Agent-Based Model to Simulate Outpatient’s Consultations at the “Hospital de Clínicas”
Ramona Elizabeth Galeano Galeano, Cynthia Emilia Villalba Cardozo, Emilio Luque, Dolores Rexachs
SIMUL 3: Applications Simulation
Session chair: Pascal Lorenz
Simulation of Device Behavior for InAlAs/InGaAs HEMT under Optical Illumination.
Pritam Sharma, Radhey Shyam Gupta, Jyotika Jogi
UrMo Accessibility Computer - A Tool for Computing Contour Accessibility Measures
Daniel Krajzewicz, Dirk Heinrichs
Simulation of the Influence of Curb-Parking on the Efficiency of Designated Curb Bus Lanes
Marek Bauer
Design and Control of a Mechatronic Vehicle Dynamics Simulator
Jorge de-J. Lozoya-Santos, Julio Salinas, Evaristo Mendez, Gerardo Gonzalez, Juan C. Tudon-Martinez, Ricardo A. Ramirez-Mendoza
SIMUL 4 / CAESD: Computer - Aided Engineering Simulation for Defense and Security
Session chair: Arash Ramezani
CAESD Session Introduction [PRESENTATION]
Arash Ramezani
Developing an Interface between ANSYS and Abaqus to Simulate Blast Effects on High Security Vehicles
Enrico Hansen, Nicole Ehlers, Arash Ramezani, Hendrik Rothe
Modeling and Analyzing Enterprise Architectures to Examine the Feasibility of Network Centric Operations
Oliver Kröning, Hendrik Rothe
Effects of Elevated Temperatures on Ballistic Resistance of Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene
Thore Heurich, Arash Ramezani, Hendrik Rothe
SOTICS 2016, The Sixth International Conference on Social Media Technologies, Communication, and Informatics
SOTICS 1: Social Media Use and Experiences
Session chair: Brian Blake
Social TV and “Influencers”: Different Users, Different Effects
Angela Fortunato, Roberta Barone, Umberto Panniello, Michele Gorgoglione
Facebook as an Interaction Platform in Higher Education: The Case of an Egyptian Private University
Nourhan Hamdi, Rasha Abdel Aziz
Learning Support Method of Information Ethic by a Virtual Network Isolating Risky Messages to SNS
Hajime Iwata, Kento Inoue
Study on a Foresight of Technology Impact: In terms of Social Participation and Methodology [POSTER]
Lee Seung Ryong, Jun Seung Su
SOTICS 2: Special Services and Technologies
Session chair: Lasse Berntzen
Discovering Overlapping Community Structure in Social Networks
Zeynab Bidoni, Roy George, Khalil Shujaee
Understanding User-Based Modifications to Information Quality in Response to Privacy and Trust Related Concerns in Online Social Networks
Brian Blake, Nitin Agarwal
Blockchain: The Emergence of Distributed Autonomous Institutions
Mariusz Nowostawski, Christopher Frantz
VALID 2016, The Eighth International Conference on Advances in System Testing and Validation Lifecycle
VALID 1: Testing and Validation
Session chair: Steffen Wittel
System Level SRAM Reliability Protection [POSTER]
Li Qixin
Automatic Job Generation for Compiler Testing
Ludek Dolihal, Tomas Hruska
Estimation of test automation using Agile development method [PRESENTATION]
Jos van Rooyen
VALID 2: Testing and Predictability
Session chair: Krunoslav Kramaric
SAT-Based Testing of Diagnosability and Predictability of Centralized and Distributed Discrete Event Systems
Hassan Ibrahim, Philippe Dague, Laurent Simon
Automatic Test Evaluation for Driving Scenarios Using Abstraction Level Constraints
Steffen Wittel, Daniel Ulmer, Oliver Bühler
Anomaly-Detection-Based Failure Prediction in a Core Router System
Shi Jin, Zhaobo Zhang, Gang Chen, Krishnendu Chakrabarty, Xinli Gu