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Propose a Workshop

The Second International Conference on Ambient Computing, Applications, Services and Technologies


September 23-28, 2012 - Barcelona, Spain


The papers listed below have been selected as "Best Papers" based on the reviews of the original submission, the camera-ready version, and the presentation during the conference. For the awarded papers, a digital award will be issued in the name of the authors.

Awarded Papers

User-Trained, Zero-Configuration, Self-Adaptive Opportunistic Wi-Fi Localization for Room-Level Accuracy
Jef Lathouwers, Maarten Weyn, Charles Vercauteren

Development of the Future Body-Finger: A Novel Travel aid for the Blind
Kiyohide Ito, Yoshiharu Fujimoto, Junichi Akita, Ryoko Otsuki, Akihiro Masatani, Takanori Komatsu, Makoto Okamoto, Tetsuo Ono

Hierarchical Human Activity Recognition Using GMM
Prateek Srivastava, Wai-Choong Wong

User Privacy in Applications for Well-being and Well-working
Wouter Bokhove, Bob Hulsebosch, Bas Van Schoonhoven, Maya Sappelli, Kees Wouters


The following papers have been selected on the basis of their contents, specificaly for lending themselves to an interesting extended work. The authors of these papers are receiving invitations to submit an extended article version to one of the IARIA Journals.

Papers Invited for IARIA Journals

An Ambient Assisted Living Framework Supporting Personalization Based on Ontologies
Christophe Jacquet, Marie Mateos, Pierre Bretault, Bruno Jean-Bart, Indrawati Schnepp, Ahmed Mohamed, Yacine Bellik

Wireless Sensor Network Protocol for Smart Parking Application Experimental Study on the Arduino Platform
Luis Ostiz Urdiain, Carlos Pita Romero, Jeroen Doggen, Tim Dams, Patrick Van Houtven


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