The Seventh International Conference on
Evolving Internet
October 11 - 16, 2015 - St. Julians, Malta |
Software Reuse and Reusability based on Requirements
Prof. Dr. Hermann Kaindl, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria
Communication and Security in Current Industrial Automation
Dr. György Kálmán, mnemonic AS, Norway
Detailed Description
Software Reuse and Reusability based on Requirements
Prof. Dr. Hermann Kaindl, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria
Software reuse and reusability are often just addressed at the level of code or low-level design. In contrast, this tutorial explains them based on requirements. It presents and compares two approaches co-developed by the presenter over more than a decade.
The first of these approaches deals with requirements reuse in the context of product lines. It makes the relations among product line requirements explicit, so that single system requirements in this product line can be derived consistently. A key issue is commonality and variability across different products. This tutorial shows how requirements for a product line can be modeled, selected and reused to engineer the requirements for innovative new products.
The second approach for software reuse involves case-based reasoning. Instead of explicit relations between requirements (or other artifacts), similarity metrics are employed for finding the most similar software case in a repository to a given set of requirements. This even works when a single envisioned usage scenario is specified yet, and it allows reusing also requirements from retrieved cases. The major point, however, is to facilitate reusing software design (including architecture) and code from similar software cases.
These approaches have different key properties and trade-offs between costs of making software
artefacts reusable and benefits for reusing them. These will be particularly explained in this tutorial.
- Introduction and background
- Requirements
- Use cases / scenarios
- Software reuse and reusability
- Requirements reuse and reusability in product lines
- Product lines
- Modeling requirements for a product line
- Selecting single-system requirements for reuse
- Verifying consistency
- Software reuse and reusability involving case-based reasoning
- Software cases
- Requirements-based reuse utilizing similarity
- Partial requirements specification / scenario
- Reuse and reusability of requirements
- Contrasting these approaches
- Reusable artifacts
- Reuse approaches
- Trade-offs
- Summary and conclusion
A selection of related publications of the proposer:
- H. Kaindl, M. Mannion, A Feature-Similarity Model for Product Line Engineering, in Proceedings of
the 14th International Conference on Software Reuse (ICSR 2015), Software Reuse for Dynamic
Systems in the Cloud and Beyond, LNCS 8919, 2014, pp. 34–41.
- H. Kaindl, M. Smialek, W. Nowakowski, Case-based Reuse with Partial Requirements Specifications,
in Proceedings of the 18th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE 2010),
2010, pp. 399–400.
- H. Kaindl, D. Sventinovic, On confusion between requirements and their representations. Requirements Engineering, vol. 15, 2010, pp. 307–311.
- H. Kaindl, P. Wagner, A Unification of the Essence of Goal-oriented Requirements Engineering, in
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Software Engineering Advances (ICSEA
2009), Porto, Portugal, 2009, IEEE.
- M. Mannion, H. Kaindl, Using Parameters and Discriminants for Product Line Requirements. Systems
Engineering, vol. 11, no. 1, 2008, pp. 61–80.
- Mannion, M., Keepence, B., Kaindl, H., and Wheadon, J., Reusing Single System Requirements from
Application Family Requirements, in Proc. Twenty-first International Conference on Software
Engineering (ICSE’99), Los Angeles, CA, May 1999, 453–462, ACM.
- Mannion, M., Lewis, O., Kaindl, H., Montroni, G., and Wheadon, J., Representing Requirements on
Generic Software in an Application Family Model, in Proc. Sixth International Conference on Software Reuse (ICSR-6), Vienna, Austria, June 2000. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 153–169.
- K. Wolter, M. Smialek, D. Bildhauer, H. Kaindl, Reusing Terminology for Requirements
Specifications from WordNet, in Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International Requirements
Engineering Conference (RE 2008), 2008, pp. 325–326.
Communication and Security in Current Industrial Automation
Dr. György Kálmán, mnemonic AS, Norway
The tutorial provides an overview of current communication solutions in different fields of automation. Placing these systems in perspective, it shows connections towards other systems. Presents security and management implications of using off-the-shelf solutions in industrial automation. Industry standard hardening techniques will be shown and an outlook towards the Internet of Things will be given.