SERVICE COMPUTATION 2022 - The Fourteenth International Conference on Advanced Service Computing
April 24, 2022 - April 28, 2022
Onsite and Online Options: In order to accommodate a large number of situations, we are offering the option for either physical presence or virtual participation (pdf slides or pre-recorded videos).
ISSN: 2308-3549
ISBN: 978-1-61208-947-8
SERVICE COMPUTATION 2022 is colocated with the following events as part of ComputationWorld 2022 Congress:
- SERVICE COMPUTATION 2022, The Fourteenth International Conference on Advanced Service Computing
- CLOUD COMPUTING 2022, The Thirteenth International Conference on Cloud Computing, GRIDs, and Virtualization
- FUTURE COMPUTING 2022, The Fourteenth International Conference on Future Computational Technologies and Applications
- COGNITIVE 2022, The Fourteenth International Conference on Advanced Cognitive Technologies and Applications
- ADAPTIVE 2022, The Fourteenth International Conference on Adaptive and Self-Adaptive Systems and Applications
- CONTENT 2022, The Fourteenth International Conference on Creative Content Technologies
- PATTERNS 2022, The Fourteenth International Conference on Pervasive Patterns and Applications
- COMPUTATION TOOLS 2022, The Thirteenth International Conference on Computational Logics, Algebras, Programming, Tools, and Benchmarking
- BUSTECH 2022, The Twelfth International Conference on Business Intelligence and Technology
SERVICE COMPUTATION 2022 Steering Committee
Arne Koschel
Hochschule Hannover
Eugen Borcoci
University "Politehnica" of Bucharest
Annett Laube
Bern University of Applied Sciences (BUAS)
Andreas Hausotter
Hochschule Hannover - University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Hannover
Paul Humphreys
Ulster Business School/University of Ulster
Ozgu Can
Ege University
SERVICE COMPUTATION 2022 conference tracks:
Trends in service computation
Cloud services orchestration; Context-aware adaptation of service-based systems; Service computation in Smart Cities environments; Virtualized services in the networks ( core, at aggregation points, and at the edge); Cloud on-the-fly services; Microdata service centers at PoPs; Open-source infrastructure as a Service; Event-Driven Service-Oriented Architecture (ED-SOA or SOA 2.0); Service computation for smart vehicles; Service composition and orchestration in the Internet of Things (IoT) and Internet of Drones (IoD) systems; Service composition based on granularity computing; Visualization as a service; Enterprise scale service computation; Agent-based modelling as a service; Decentralized Web service composition; Service composition for collaboration support
Challenges in service computation
Continuous adaptation of Service-based systems for mobile environments; Concurrent negotiations for customized cloud service quality; Dynamic QoS monitoring in Service-oriented systems; Service replication process in distributed environments; Contract monitoring service; Dynamic testing; Prediction-as-a-Service; Scalable QoE prediction for service composition; Architectures for scale computing; Scalable and cost-efficient cloud storage; Strategies for Quality-aware service selection; Service contracts for risk prediction; Decentralized Web-service composition; Context-aware for Web-service clustering; Multi-tenant service composition; Collaborations through service composition; Reputation for Service composition in the Internet of Things (IoT)
Service innovation, evaluation and delivery
Service requirement validation; Service design; Service deployment; Service delivery; Service lifecycle; Service knowledge and service innovation; Model-driven service engineering; Knowledge-intensive services; Risk management in services management; Service testing and validation; Service consumption and delivery outcome; Quality of service; Quality of experience; Quality of service impact; Service audit metrics; Service innovation; Service bundling; Service research; Service composition; Collaborative services; Service business models; Service personalization; Security and trust in services
Ubiquitous and pervasive services
Foundations of ubiquitous and pervasive services, networks and applications; Specification, discovery, and matching of ubiquitous and pervasive services; Computing, orchestration and harmonization of ubiquitous and pervasive services; Technologies for modeling, designing, and testing ubiquitous and pervasive services; Service-oriented agent-based architectures, protocols and deployment environments; Integration and deployment of ubiquitous and pervasive services; Ubiquitous and pervasive services in peer-to-peer and overlay networks; Ubiquitous and pervasive services in mobile networks and sensor networks; Ubiquitous and pervasive services in unmanned air, underwater, and ground vehicle networks; Adaptive and self-adaptive ubiquitous and pervasive services; Context awareness, adaptation and management of ubiquitous and pervasive services; Security, trust and privacy management in ubiquitous and pervasive services; Semantics and ontology for ubiquitous and pervasive services; Web services and middleware support for ubiquitous and pervasive services; Energy management and harvesting for network with ubiquitous and pervasive systems; Case studies, lessons learned, experiments, simulations and trials for ubiquitous and pervasive services
WEB Services
Basics and formalisms on Web services; Web x.0 concepts in Web services evolution in this framework; Methodologies for specification, deployment and enhancements of Web services; Modeling and composition of Web services; Discovery, matching, and integration of Web services; SLA/QoS/QoE in Web services (privacy, security, performance, reliability, fault tolerance); Testing and validating Web services; Publishing, discovery, tracking, and selection of Web services; Web services lifecycle management; Semantics and Ontology in Web services; Cloud computing, service-as-a-software and on-demand Web services; Mobile and intermittent Web services; Web services-based services, applications and solutions; Web services standards and formalizations; Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) infrastructure and middleware
Uncertain Web Services
Uncertainty-aware QoS; Uncertainty in Web service compositions; Discovering services under uncertainty; The uncertainty-enabled model web; Trust assessment for Web services under uncertainty; Uncertainty in chained Web services; Uncertainty propagation; Representing and simulating uncertain environmental variables; Quantifying, managing and communicating uncertainty; Uncertainty Markup Language (UncertML)
Skyline Services
Skyline services composition; QoS-based skyline selection; Dominant Web services; Spatial skyline computation; Selecting dynamic skyline services; Skyline metrics and criteria; Parallelization of skyline computation; Progressive skyline computation; Skyline optimization for Web service composition; Skyline applications (Peer-to-Peer, Demographic, etc.); Benchmarks for skyline computation
Society and business services
Public (mail, schools, banking, financial, personal, real estate, health, government, insurance, hospitals, transportation, library); Utility (broadcasting & cable TV, printing & publishing, energy, Internet, hotels, retail, waste management, security, rental); Entertainment (advertising, casinos & gaming, recreational, restaurant, travel); Business (communications, specialty, technology, planning, supply chain management, marketing, design, wholesale distribution); Business process management (business knowledge, business protocols, service level agreements, business licensing models, business financial models, and business advertising models
Service measurement
QoS metrics and indicators; data quality; validity of models; uncertainty analysis; SLA monitoring; measurement of business objectives; dynamics of monitoring; quantification of trust and trustworthiness; propagation of measurements; triangulation; expert judgments; aggregation of measurements
Empirical methods in system and service management
Empirical evaluations; method and model validation based on empirical trials; case studies; experiments; guidelines and best practices for structured empirical research; validity and reliability of empirical research; systematic reviews; metrics; measurements; expert judgments; case study design; reporting of empirical research
Submission | Jan 24, 2022 |
Notification | Feb 20, 2022 |
Registration | Mar 03, 2022 |
Camera ready | Mar 10, 2022 |
Deadlines differ for special tracks. Please consult the conference home page for special tracks Call for Papers (if any).