Submit a Paper

Propose a Workshop

The Third International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine


February 23-28, 2011 - Gosier, Guadeloupe, France


The papers listed below have been selected as "Best Papers" based on the reviews of the original submission, the camera-ready version, and the presentation during the conference.

A diploma will be issued in the name of the authors and mailed to the contact author.

Awarded Papers

Content-based Retrieval of 3D Medical Images
Yu Qian, Xiaohong Gao, Martin Loomes, Richard Comley, Balbir Barn, Rui Hui, Zenmin Tian

Towards an Internet-based Infectious Disease Management Platform to Increase Patient Safety
Jobke Wentzel, Joyce Karreman, Julia van Gemert-Pijnen

Using Soft Computer Techniques on Smart Devices for Monitoring Chronic Diseases: the CHRONIOUS case
Piero Giacomelli, Giulia Munaro, Roberto Rosso

Stress Intervention Online - Designing for Self-help through Multiple Help
Åsa Smedberg, Hélène Sandmark

Using Mobile Technology to Enhance Pediatric Diabetes Care Management
Robert Rosati, David Russell, Joann Ahrens

Reducing sexual risk behaviour among youth: the development and evaluation of an interactive video-based intervention online (SLIDES)
Udi Davidovich


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