SIGNAL 2025 - The Tenth International Conference on Advances in Signal, Image and Video Processing
March 09, 2025 - March 13, 2025
Onsite and Online Options: In order to accommodate various situations, we are offering the option for either physical presence or virtual participation (pdf slides or pre-recorded videos).
ISSN: 2519-8432
ISBN: 978-1-68558-245-6
SIGNAL 2025 is colocated with the following events as part of InfoSys 2025 Congress:
- ICNS 2025, The Twenty-First International Conference on Networking and Services
- ICAS 2025, The Twenty-First International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems
- ENERGY 2025, The Fifteenth International Conference on Smart Grids, Green Communications and IT Energy-aware Technologies
- WEB 2025, The Thirteenth International Conference on Building and Exploring Web Based Environments
- DBKDA 2025, The Seventeenth International Conference on Advances in Databases, Knowledge, and Data Applications
- SIGNAL 2025, The Tenth International Conference on Advances in Signal, Image and Video Processing
- BIOTECHNO 2025, The Seventeenth International Conference on Bioinformatics, Biocomputational Systems and Biotechnologies
- AIHealth 2025, The Second International Conference on AI-Health
SIGNAL 2025 Steering Committee
Constantin Paleologu
Polytechnic University of Bucharest
Pavel Loskot
ZJU-UIUC Institute
Wilfried Uhring
Université de Strasbourg
Sergey Y. Yurish
Excelera, S. L. | IFSA
Jérôme Gilles
San Diego State University
Constantin Paleologu
Polytechnic University of Bucharest
Pavel Loskot
ZJU-UIUC Institute
Wilfried Uhring
Université de Strasbourg
Sergey Y. Yurish
Excelera, S. L. | IFSA
Jérôme Gilles
San Diego State University
Special tracks:
BIOSIG: Advances in Biomedical Signal Processing
Assoc Prof. Ahmad Karfoul, École Supérieure d'Ingénieurs de Rennes (ESIR), Laboratoire Traitement du Signal et de l’Image (LTSI) – INSERM U1099, Université de Rennes, France
Res. Eng. Amar Kachenoura, Laboratoire Traitement du Signal et de l’Image (LTSI) – INSERM U1099, Université de Rennes, France
MIRACLE: Medical Imaging, Recognition, and Computational Learning Engines
Chair: Assoc Prof. Dr. Atreyee Sinha, Edgewood College, Madison, Wisconsin,
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sugata Banerji, Lake Forest College, Illinois, USA
SIGNAL 2025 conference tracks:
Architectures and frameworks
Signal processing architectures; Hardware and software for signal, image and video processing; Biosignal acquisition, transmission, processing, and analysis; Compressive sensing (sparse sampling); Deep learning (graphical inference algorithms); High speed video acquisition, architecture and processing; Real-time signal architectures for image and video processing; Distributed Iinformation processing, transmission and storage over networks; High speed signal processing and architectures; Big Iimage processing and analytics in multimedia tools and applications;
Signal processing theory and methods
Embedded signal processing; Signal and information processing on graphs; Audio and acoustic signal processing; Digital and multirate signal processing; Image and video processing; Multi-camera imaging; Speech and language processing; Multimedia signal processing; Signal processing for communications; Statistical signal processing; Sensor array and multi-channel signal processing; Machine learning, feature detections, bio-inspired techniques; Pattern recognition; Social learning models, Bayesian signal processing; Cognitive information processing; Biometric analysis, forensic analysis watermarking and security; Processing signal, image and video collections; Implementation of signal, image and video processing systems
High speed signal processing: integrating 5G and IoT with satellite networks
mmWave communications; Very high speed camera; High speed flying sensors; 6G - integrating 5G with satellite networks; Ultra-fast access signal processing; Satellite-to-satellite communications; Sea-to-space communications; Point-to-point wireless communication networks; Super-fast broadband signals; High speed optical broadcasting fibers lines; High data rates; Ultra fast access of Internet; Full home automation and home applications; Smart homes and cities; Global energy sources; Space and defense 6G-oriented technologies; Integrated satellite-to-satellite communications; Monitoring/driving natural calamities; Sea-to-Space communications; Nano antennas; Point-to-point wireless communication networks; Space roaming; Earth observation (backhaul link); Space observation (backhaul link); Small cells (cover zones without Internet); Space-IoT (monitoring sensors); Standard adaptation to 6G for handoff and roaming challenges (GPS, Galileo, COMPASS, GLONASS)
Agricultural signal applications
Agriculture systems; Sensing and monitoring ecological agriculture; Food security (Food safety, Traceability, Food value chain); Bioinformatics (Agricultural data, Livestock genetics, Big Data, etc.); Bio-sensing (Soil, Atmosphere, Culture monitoring, Livestock environment); Plasma, Micro Nano Bubble application to Agriculture; Field robotics (Drones, Field labor robotics, Robots-driven livestock care)
Signal/image metrics
Aesthetic quality assessment; Visual aesthetic; Image quality assessment; Blind noise assessment; Perceptual evaluation; Automatic segmentation; Perceptual video compression; Perceptual transparency; Energy-based segmentation; Ultrasound image segmentation; Photon-limited imaging; Processing demosaiced images; Image restauration; Image colorization; Image denoising; Image deconvolution; Random sampling; Semantic segmentation; Sparse imaging; Dense image arrays; Distortion visibility; Depth upsampling; Infrared, multispectral and hyperspectral imaging; Image inpainting; Patch matching; Image Stitching;
Features and models for images/signals
3D Quality assessment models; Adaptive smoothing; Background subtraction; Probabilistic illumination models; Cumulative orientation features;
Efficient video saliency; Deep convolutional networks; Edge-aware filters; Prediction inaccuracy modeling; Temporal predictions; Interactive multiview videos; Video authentication; Multi-modal images; Image mosaicking; Image fusion; Low-contrast images; Adaptive pixel transfer; Omnidirectional imaging; Superpixels and adaptive superpixels; Unsupervised segmentation; Edge detection; Morphological profiles
Image/signal computation and services
Computational imaging; Biological imaging; Visual saliency; Computational photography; Perceptual metrics; 3D Data analysis; Visual content analysis; Video retrieval; Videoconfences; Healthcare exercising signals; 3D Virtual views; Measuring seismic images; Landmark detection; Aerial images; Motion recognition; Object tracking; Crowd scenes; Satellite images; Visual media compression; Adaptive quantization; SDN for videos; Scene analysis; Scene recognition; Anomaly detection; High quality streaming media; Detecting urban roads; Action recognition; Lenses; Plenoptic cameras; Curvature detection; Normalized cuts and geodesics;
Special signal, image and video processing applications/domains
Big data collection, retrieval, analysis; Cyber-physical systems; Energy and smart Grid; Monitoring and control systems; Wireless and Internet of Things; Sensors and Body networks; Healthcare and citizen wellbeing; Transportation systems; 5G communications Networks and mm-Wave Systems; Cognitive radio networks; Cyber-physical security; Social networks and finance applications, etc.
Hands-free speech communication and microphone arrays
Acoustic scene analysis; Acoustic event detection; Dereverberation; Echo cancellation; Noise suppression; Hearing aids; Microphone array technology and architectures; Source localization and separation; Spatial audio for immersive environments; Speech acquisition; Speech and speaker recognition technology; Speech and audio quality assessment; Privacy of speech communications, etc.
Wearable sensor signal processing
Signal pre-processing algorithms; Physiological parameter monitoring; Noise reduction; Feature extraction and classification; Off-line bio-signal processing; Real-time processing of sensor signals; Bio-mechanical feedback for diagnosis and rehabilitation; Static and dynamic calibration; Signal processing to improve sensor precision and accuracy; Time-efficient and power-efficient algorithms for big data; Sensor data fusion and integration; Body-area sensor networks: real-time communication and synchronization; Gesture and movement pattern recognition; Motion/Gait tracking, recognition, and analysis; Motion segmentation and evaluation; Wearable prototypes in human-centric experiments, etc.
Submission | Nov 22, 2024 |
Notification | Jan 06, 2025 |
Registration | Jan 19, 2025 |
Camera ready | Feb 02, 2025 |
Deadlines differ for special tracks. Please consult the conference home page for special tracks Call for Papers (if any).