VALID 2022 - The Fourteenth International Conference on Advances in System Testing and Validation Lifecycle
October 16, 2022 - October 20, 2022
VALID 2022
Onsite and Online Options: In order to accommodate a large number of situations, we are offering the option for either physical presence or virtual participation (pdf slides or pre-recorded videos).
ISSN: 2308-4316
ISBN: 978-1-68558-000-1
VALID 2022 is colocated with the following events as part of SoftNet 2022 Congress:
- ICSEA 2022, The Seventeenth International Conference on Software Engineering Advances
- ICSNC 2022, The Seventeenth International Conference on Systems and Networks Communications
- CENTRIC 2022, The Fifteenth International Conference on Advances in Human-oriented and Personalized Mechanisms, Technologies, and Services
- VALID 2022, The Fourteenth International Conference on Advances in System Testing and Validation Lifecycle
- SIMUL 2022, The Fourteenth International Conference on Advances in System Simulation
- SOTICS 2022, The Twelfth International Conference on Social Media Technologies, Communication, and Informatics
- INNOV 2022, The Eleventh International Conference on Communications, Computation, Networks and Technologies
- HEALTHINFO 2022, The Seventh International Conference on Informatics and Assistive Technologies for Health-Care, Medical Support and Wellbeing
VALID 2022 Steering Committee
Lorena Parra Boronat
Instituto Madrileño de Investigación y Desarrollo Rural, Agrario y Alimentario
Universitat Politecnica de Valencia
Zhaobo Zhang
Futurewei Technologies
Yan-Fu Li
Tsinghua University
Jos van Rooyen
huis voor software kwaliteit
the Netherland
Pedro Vicente Mauri
VALID 2022 conference tracks:
Trends and achievements
Testing and validating Industry 4.0 applications; Testing and validating Internet of Things (IoT) systems; Big Datasets validation; Validate patch generation systems; Automation in defect prediction models; Automated test suite for time-continuous models; Learning semantics for defect prediction; Variability and bug-finding; Mining sandboxes; Validation confidence quantification; Validating mission-critical applications; Validating accessibility requirements; Validation prediction-oriented applications; Validation of high-risk applications and systems; Testing and validation of Internet of Vehicle (IoV) systems
Robust design methodologies
Designing methodologies for robust systems; Secure software techniques; Industrial real-time software; Defect avoidance; Cost models for robust systems; Design for testability; Design for reliability and variability; Design for adaptation and resilience; Design for fault-tolerance and fast recovery; Design for manufacturability, yield and reliability; Design for testability in the context of model-driven engineering
Vulnerability discovery and resolution
Vulnerability assessment; On-line error detection; Vulnerabilities in hardware security; Self-calibration; Alternative inspections; Non-intrusive vulnerability discovery methods; Embedded malware detection
Defects and Debugging
Debugging techniques; Component debug; System debug; Software debug; Hardware debug; System debug; Power-ground defects; Full-open defects in interconnecting lines; Physical defects in memories and microprocessors; Zero-defect principles
Diagnosis techniques; Advances in silicon debug and diagnosis; Error diagnosis; History-based diagnosis; Multiple-defect diagnosis; Optical diagnostics; Testability and diagnosability; Diagnosis and testing in mo bile environments
System and feature testing
Test strategy for systems-in-package; Testing embedded systems; Testing high-speed systems; Testing delay and performance; Testing communication traffic and QoS/SLA metrics; Testing robustness; Software testing; Hardware testing; Supply-chain testing; Memory testing; Microprocessor testing; Mixed-signal production test; Testing multi-voltage domains; Interconnection and compatibility testing; SAT procedures for application to testing and formal verification
Testing techniques and mechanisms
Fundamentals for digital and analog testing; Emerging testing methodologies; Engineering test coverage; Designing testing suites; Statistical testing; Functional testing; Parametric testing; Defect- and data-driven testing; Automated testing; Embedded testing; Autonomous self-testing; Low cost testing; Optimized testing; Testing systems and devices; Test standards
Testing of wireless communications systems
Testing of mobile wireless communication systems; Testing of wireless sensor networks; Testing of radio-frequency identification systems; Testing of ad-hoc networks; Testing methods for emerging standards; Hardware-based prototyping of wireless communication systems; Physical layer performance verification; On-chip testing of wireless communication systems; Modeling and simulation of wireless channels; Noise characterization and validation; Case studies and industrial applications of test instruments;
Software verification and validation
High-speed interface verification and fault-analysis; Software testing theory and practice; Model-based testing; Verification metrics; Service/application specific testing; Model checking; OO software testing; Testing embedded software; Quality assurance; Empirical studies for verification and validation; Software inspection techniques; Software testing tools; New approaches for software reliability verification and validation
Quality-assessment of software architectures and legacy systems
Quality-Assessment of Software Architectures and Legacy systems; Quality-assessment of software architectures; Validation and verification of software architecture; Automatic analysis of legacy code; Strategies for isolating legacy code and improving the design quality; Metrics for evaluating architectural quality characteristics; Tools for quality assessments of software architectures; Techniques and tools for testing legacy systems
Testing and validation of run-time evolving systems
Automated testing for run-time evolving systems; Testing and validation of evolving systems; Testing and validation of self-controlled systems; Testing compile-time versus run-time dependency for evolving systems; On-line validation and testing of evolving at run-time systems; Modeling for testability of evolving at run-time systems; Near real-time and real-time monitoring of run-time evolving systems; Verification and validation of reflective models for testing; Verification and validation of fault tolerance in run-time evolving systems
Feature-oriented testing
Testing user interfaces and user-driven features; Privacy testing; Ontology accuracy testing; Testing semantic matching; Testing certification processes; Testing authentication mechanisms; Testing biometrics methodologies and mechanisms; Testing cross-nation systems; Testing system interoperability; Testing system safety; Testing system robustness; Testing temporal constraints; Testing transaction-based properties; Directed energy test capabilities /microwave, laser, etc./; Testing delay and latency metrics
Domain-oriented testing
Testing autonomic and autonomous systems; Testing intrusion prevention systems; Firewall testing; Information assurance testing; Testing social network systems; Testing recommender systems; Testing biometric systems; Testing diagnostic systems; Testing on-line systems; Testing financial systems; Testing life threatening systems; Testing emergency systems; Testing sensor-based systems; Testing testing systems
Submission | Jun 07, 2022 |
Notification | Jul 11, 2022 |
Registration | Jul 24, 2022 |
Camera ready | Jul 31, 2022 |
Deadlines differ for special tracks. Please consult the conference home page for special tracks Call for Papers (if any).