ICNS 2021 - The Seventeenth International Conference on Networking and Services
May 30, 2021 - June 03, 2021
ICNS 2021
Onsite and Online Options: In order to accommodate a large number of situations, we are offering the option for either physical presence or virtual participation (pdf slides or pre-recorded videos).
ISSN: 2308-4006
ISBN: 978-1-61208-853-2
ICNS 2021 is colocated with the following events as part of InfoSys 2021 Congress:
- ICNS 2021, The Seventeenth International Conference on Networking and Services
- ICAS 2021, The Seventeenth International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems
- ENERGY 2021, The Eleventh International Conference on Smart Grids, Green Communications and IT Energy-aware Technologies
- WEB 2021, The Ninth International Conference on Building and Exploring Web Based Environments
- DBKDA 2021, The Thirteenth International Conference on Advances in Databases, Knowledge, and Data Applications
- SIGNAL 2021, The Sixth International Conference on Advances in Signal, Image and Video Processing
- BIOTECHNO 2021, The Thirteenth International Conference on Bioinformatics, Biocomputational Systems and Biotechnologies
ICNS 2021 General Chair
Jaime Lloret Mauri
Universitat Politecnica de Valencia
ICNS 2021 Steering Committee
Eugen Borcoci
University "Politehnica" of Bucharest (UPB)
Mary Luz Mouronte López
Universidad Francisco de Vitoria - Madrid
Carlos Becker Westphall
Federal University of Santa Catarina
Jeff Sedayao
Intel Corporation
Alex Sim
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Juraj Giertl
Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions
Ivan Ganchev
University of Limerick, Ireland
Plovdiv University "Paisii Hilendarski", Bulgaria
Special tracks:
EdgeIntelli: Intelligence on the Edge
Chair: Prof. Dr. Rute C. Sofia, fortiss, Germany sofia@fortiss.org
Co-chair: Prof. Dr. Jesse Luo, Shandong University, China, and Emocean GmbH, Germany jesse.luo@emocean.io
QuVA: Quality of Experience (QoE) Driven VR/AR Multimedia System Design
Chair: Assist. Prof. Dr. Jounsup Park, University of Texas at Tyler, USA jpark@uttyler.edu
LANS: Learning & Analytics in Networks and Services
Chair: Dr. Arif Selcuk Ogrenci, Kadir Has University, Turkey ogrenci@khas.edu.tr
ICNS 2021 conference tracks:
Trends in networking and services
Network function virtualization (NFV); Service availability in the NFV; Multi-services in LTE; Resilience in software defined networks (SDN); Indoor 5G wireless access; Scalability in 5G; Cognitive 5G; QoS in SDN-enabled 5G systems; Cross-layer frameworks; Services in big data platforms; Technologies in Cloud storage service; Cloud-based Web applications; Multi-operator shared heterogeneous networks; Virtualization-based control; Cloud radio access; Incremental synchronization in Clouds; Changes for cognitive wireless networks; Power efficiency via interferences; Cognitive networks and spectrum sensing; Massive beamforming ; Ultra-lean systems; Spectrum-sharing communications; Information retrieval protocols; Multi-access MAC protocols; Multi-user indoor communications; Energy harvesting; Sensing-as-a-Service; Ultrasound sensor networks; QoS-aware body area networks; Robust sensing services; Cloud of things; Cloud and smart grid vulnerabilities; Polarization-agile antennas; Service perceptual quality; Geographical routing protocols; Femto-Clouds; Services in urban environments; Services for data handling in smart cities; Wideband massive MMO; Cache performance; Energy-efficient resource allocation; Content delivery service; MIMO cognitive radio networks; All-spectrum cognitive solutions; Cognitive machine-to-machine networks; Adaptive multiple access schemes; Network service providers; Heterogeneous cellular networks; Caching in mobile cellular networks; Cognitive radio ad hoc networks; Opportunistic unlicensed spectra utilization; Adaptation in Cyber-physical systems; Service availability models
Slicing and 5/6/7G technologies
Network slicing models; 5G Network slicing Architecture; 5G/6G Networks slicing; End to End (E2E) network slicing; Automated networks slicing; Network Slice as a Service(NSaaS); Service slicing; IoT service slicing; Slicing-as-a-Service (SlaaS); Slicing and orchestration; Latency-sensitive 5G services; Differentiated slice-based 5G services; 5G E2E (End to End), 6G Cellular data networks; Indoor 5G Open Radio Access Network (O-RAN); 5G mmWave; 7G and 8G network and High speed internet. Network slicing market. Networks slicing ROI (Return on Investment); 6-7-8G and ROI.
Emerging Network Communications and Technologies
Software defined networks and Network functions virtualization; Future mobile networks: 4G, 5G, and LTE spectra; Mobile Cloud systems; Internet of Things (IOT); Sensing and sensor networks; Energy-aware networks; Content-oriented networking; Cellular cognitive networks; Access and home networks; Ad hoc networks; Application-specific networks (e.g. SANs); Autonomic Networks; Delay-tolerant Networking; Distributed communications systems & applications; High-speed & optical networks; Mobile networking and systems; Multimedia and multicast communications; Networking Communication theory; Network modeling & simulation; Network monitoring techniques; Network security; Next Generation Networks (NGN); Overlay networks; Peer-to-peer networking; Programmable and Active Networks; Sensor networks; Wireless and Satellite Networks; Content-oriented networks; Ambient environments
CLOUD/GRID Networks and Services
CLOUD frameworks, architectures, computation, storage; GRID theory, frameworks, methodologies, architecture, ontology; Cloud and GRID infrastructure and technologies; CLOUD/GRID middleware; CLOUD computing, utility computing, autonomic computing, metacomputing; Programmable CLOUD/GRID; CLOUD services and applications; VIRTUALIZATION, modeling, and metadata; Resource management, scheduling, and scalability in CLOUD/GRID; CLOUD/GRID monitoring, control, and management; Traffic and load balancing in CLOUD/GRID; User profiles and priorities in CLOUD/GRID; Performance and security in CLOUD/GRID systems; Fault tolerance, resilience, survivability, robustness in CLOUD/GRID; QoS/SLA in CLOUD/GRID networks; CLOUD/GRID fora, standards, development, evolution; CLOUD/GRID case studies, validation testbeds, prototypes, and lessons learned
Ubiquitous mobile services and protocols
Frameworks, architectures, and languages for ubiquitous services; Queries, transactions and workflows in mobile and ubiquitous Networks; Algorithms for ubiquitous systems; SLA/QoS in ubiquitous services; Ontology-based services; Location-based services; Protocols and interaction mechanisms for ubiquitous services; Mobile services and service convergence; Service discovery mechanisms; Tracking in ubiquitous environments; Measurement, control, and management of ubiquitous services; Design and development of ubiquitous services; Wireless/mobile service delivery
Multi-technology service deployment and assurance
Service-oriented architectures; Service definition, creation, bundling, deployment; Service reuse, composition and service feature interaction; Service orchestration and federation; Inter-provider service dependency; Intra-provider service dependency and service interaction; Service middleware and service development platforms (SDPs); Service open architecture (SOA); Profiling and service adaptation; Service privacy and security; Quality of service, service level agreement [QoS/SLA]; Service agreement violations; Mobile services and service migration; Reliability, availability, serviceability [RAS]; Service performance metrics; Traffic engineering, metering, monitoring; Voice over IP services; IP Multimedia services; Real-time/not-real-rime services; Real-time services over IP/IPv6; Service performance evaluation, tools, simulation
Next Generation Networks and Ubiquitous Services
Methodologies, development support, and tools for NGN and converging services; NGN and convergence of ubiquitous services; NGN frameworks, architectures, and concepts; NGN technologies and mechanisms; QoS/SLA, traffic in NGN; NGN transport/service layered capabilities and operations; NGN concepts for active, ad hoc, mobile, and wireless networks; 3G, 4G, and 5G Mobile networks; Fixed/mobile networks integration and internetworking; Services and service differentiation over NGN; Managing ubiquitous services in NGN; NGN interworking, non-NGN interoperability, migration; Regulatory services in NGN and standard activities; NGN device instrumentation; NGN policy-based control; Next Generation Internet
Network Control and Management
Network, control and service architectures; Measurement of stream characteristics (reordering, delay, losses, jitter, etc.); Network signaling, pricing and billing; Network middleware; Network management, monitoring and control; Network resource scheduling; Networks policy-based management; Management of autonomic networks and systems; Telecommunication networks architectures; On-demand networks, utility computing architectures; Traffic engineering; Impact of packet dynamics on application performance; Applications and case studies
Multi Provider QoS/SLA Internetworking
Architectures, frameworks, mechanisms for admission control and measurement; QoS in multi-provider and multi-technology networks; Service classes and multi-provider service class discovery; Service level agreement and service assurance in multi-provider environments; Carrier-class end-to-end SLA and QoS monitoring and management; Multi provider accounting/billing/cost sharing; Management, monitoring, and measurements in multi-provider networks; End-to-end QoS/SLA advanced network services in multi-provider networks; End-to-end QoS/SLA for multimedia applications and services in multi-provider networks; Security issues in multi-service provider networks; Business models for multi-providers under QoS/SLA constraints; Standards and fora activities
Software Defined Networking
SDN architectures; Openflow protocols; SDN switches and routers; SDN controllers; Network operating systems; SDN scalability; Virtualization; Flow based operation; Distributed Controllers; State distribution in SDN control; Fault tolerance in SDN; Secure and dependable SDN; Openflow vulnerabilities; Software defined Internet architectures;Scaling virtualized functions; Traffic engineering with SDN; Abstractions for SDN; Network programming languages; Information centric networking and SDN; SDN in cloud computing; SDN applications; SDN in wireless environment; Controller performance evaluations; Mobility solutions
Emergency Services and Disaster Recovery of Networks and Applications
Theory on disaster-tolerant robust networks; Recovery by disruption resource procedures; Security issues with emergency services and disaster recovery; Networks resiliency methods; Formal methods for safety-critical systems; Networks emergency services; Public safety, reliable emergency communications, and applications; Response to the networks emergency services; Disaster prevention and recovery; Fighting mechanisms for disaster of networks and applications; Notifications and recovery in various network technologies; Customer protection and serviceability perception; Cost models and business impact; Cultural and legal aspects; Future advanced network development and evolution; Standards and guidelines; Lawful interception and defense strategies;
Deploying the Future Infrastructures
Advanced Topics and Latest Developments in IPv6; IPv6 Deployment Experiences and Case Studies; IPv6 Enabled Applications and Devices; Deploying large-scale Internet of Things (IoT)-based networks and services; Optical Network Infrastructures; Deploying 5G and beyond networks; Deploying sensor networks; Deploying wireless and wired body-networks
CLOUD/GRID over Optical Burst Switching Networks
Terabit burst switching; Burst assembly for IP DiffServ over optical burst switching networks; Optical network infrastructure for CLOUD/GRID; Synchronous stream optical burst switching; Optical burst switching based CLOUD/GRID architectures; Reliable optical burst switching for next-generation Grid networks; Optical burst switching for IP-over-WDM/DWDM; Customizable Grid-to-optical network; Ultra high capacity optical networks; Hybrid optical burst/circuit switched for CLOUD/GRID-enabled optical networks; Job scheduling in optical burst switching CLOUD/GRID networks; Architecture and middleware for CLOUD/GRID-Over-OBS
Users, applications, and business models
Mobile user interfaces; Ubiquitous user-generated content (weblogs, wikis, etc.); Mobile and ubiquitous computing; User modeling and personalization; Context- and location-aware applications; Toolkits, testbeds, development environments; Tools and techniques for designing, implementing, & evaluating ubiquitous networks and services; Constructing, deploying and prototyping of ubiquitous applications; Evaluation of user models for ubiquitous environments; On-line analytical techniques; Human-computer interaction in ubiquitous computing environments; Ubiquitous e-Development (business, science, health, etc.); Case Studies; Emerging industrial/business/scientific ubiquitous scenarios
Submission | Mar 23, 2021 |
Notification | Apr 15, 2021 |
Registration | Apr 26, 2021 |
Camera ready | May 01, 2021 |
Deadlines differ for special tracks. Please consult the conference home page for special tracks Call for Papers (if any).