SECURWARE 2020 - The Fourteenth International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies
November 21, 2020 - November 25, 2020
ISSN: 2162-2116
ISBN: 978-1-61208-821-1
SECURWARE 2020 is colocated with the following events as part of NetWare 2020 Congress:
- SENSORCOMM 2020, The Fourteenth International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications
- SENSORDEVICES 2020, The Eleventh International Conference on Sensor Device Technologies and Applications
- SECURWARE 2020, The Fourteenth International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies
- AFIN 2020, The Twelfth International Conference on Advances in Future Internet
- CENICS 2020, The Thirteenth International Conference on Advances in Circuits, Electronics and Micro-electronics
- ICQNM 2020, The Fourteenth International Conference on Quantum, Nano/Bio, and Micro Technologies
- FASSI 2020, The Sixth International Conference on Fundamentals and Advances in Software Systems Integration
- GREEN 2020, The Fifth International Conference on Green Communications, Computing and Technologies
SECURWARE 2020 Steering Committee
Steffen Fries
Special tracks:
TAI: Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence
Chair and Coordinator: Malek Ben Salem, PhD, PMP, CISSP, Senior Manager, Americas Security R&D Lead,
Accenture - Arlington, VA, USA
CIT-NTC: Critical Infrastructure Protection – Novel Concepts and Technologies
Chairs and Coordinators:
Stefan Schauer, Scientist, PhD, Austrian Institute of Technology, Center of Digital Safety and Security, Vienna, Austria
Martin Latzenhofer, Scientist, PhD Candidate, Austrian Institute of Technology, Center of Digital Safety and Security, Vienna, Austria
SECURWARE 2020 conference tracks:
TRENDS: Security challenges with new technologies
Security in SDN, SDX, NFV; Security in 4G/5G networks; Security and Internet of X (everything, things, people, etc.); Security for Virtualization and Cloud; Security and Big Data; Security in sensing and sensor networks; Security and energy-aware networks; Security in content-oriented networking; Security in cellular cognitive networks
TRUSTED CONTRACTS: Secured digital society
Trusted transaction contracts; Blockchain; Bitcoin; Cryptocurrency Fees; Cryptocurrency Governance; Cryptocurrency Lending; Certificate transparency; Revocation transparency; Confidential assets; eVoting technologies and methods; Sealed-bid auctions; Trusted smart contracts; Cryptographic Web applications; Real estate: titles&tokens
SECSERV: Security-as-a-Service - Security technologies and systems-oriented security and safety
Certified services and businesses; Security certifying processes, technologies and standards; Industrial security; Security in information systems; Physical/Virtual/Cloud security; Corporate/Personal security; Security guarantee/assurance/risks; Surveillance systems; Security/Safety digital environments (electromagnetic waves, unsafe facilities, undocumented logistics, etc.); Cyber-security and public services risks (thefts, health, alarms, vehicular, surveillance, people with special needs, credit carts, use of arms, drone-based delivery, etc.); Security in supply-based systems; Security in mobile applications, Web-based, Cloud-based services, and Internet of Things (IoT)-based systems; Designing secure and green-oriented industrial systems; Security in production systems; Secure production lines and secure human-oriented products and services
SECSTATUS: Advances and Challenges
Cryptography; Encryption schemes; Cryptanalysis; Thrifty zero-knowledge approaches; Chaos-information hiding; Advances in biometric authentication; Passive forensics; Access, computation and communication security mechanisms; Secure error-tolerant protocols; Side-channel attacks; Malware and attacks prevention; Anti-analysis signals; Security-awareness; Culture-oriented prevention; Security for smart devices; Security for mobile applications; Anonymity and pseudo-anonymity; Mitigating threats; Privilege control and isolation; Cyber-attacks and human factors; IoT and big data security issues; Privacy and protection in eTechnologies; Secure virtualized environments; Security during system migration or updates; Security integration pitfalls; Data leakage, vulnerabilities, failures and lessons learned; Security standards
SERVICES: Cyber Laboratory Services
Cyber intelligence systems; Global defense; Security-awareness; Data sanitization and end-of-lifecycle solutions; Compliance solutions with PCI DSS standard from PCI DSS certified datacenters; Mobile Device Management (MDM) and Mobile Application Management (MAM); Identity and Access Management (IAM); Risk and security management; IT-Governance, Risks and compliance; Public safety and professional communications and solutions for situational awareness, command and control; Data security services
SOLUTIONS: Cyber Laboratory Solutions
Cyber intelligence technologies; Global threat correlation and reputation services; credentials, expiration time for client installations, feature restrictions, Web-console audit logging, etc.; Advanced testing software, for known and unknown flaws in software; identifying the weaknesses and vulnerabilities; E-mail communication confidentiality protection; Protect of enterprises and government agencies for their confidential data against leaks; Internet security and content cloud services; Risk and security management; IT-Governance, Risks and compliance; SCADA-based information security systems; Guideline on advising, building, developing and inspecting/auditing; information security practices and systems
ARCH: Security frameworks, architectures and protocols
Formal aspects of security; Security analysis methodologies; Security verification; Security protocols; Security architectures and formalisms; Security and design vulnerability; Security and privacy protection; Performance and security; Secure group communication/multicast; Software design security; Middleware security; Security for nomadic code; Intrusion detection systems; Static analysis for software security; Security modeling
METRICS: Security, trust and privacy measurement
Security, trust and privacy metrics; Security assurance metrics; Security measurement architectures; Metrics for adaptive security systems; Taxonomical and ontological support of security metrics; Experiments and benchmarks for security measurements; Embedding security measurability in software and service architectures; Risk-driven assessment of security; Assessment of effectiveness, efficiency and correctness of security; Mapping security metrics and security assurance metrics; Mapping security measurements and non-functional requirements
SECMAN: Security management
Identity management; Security law enforcement; PKI; PKI Key management; Incident response planning; Intrusion detection and event correlation; Firewalls; Trust management; Software security assurance
SECTECH: Security technologies
Secure protocols; Applied cryptography; Smart cards; Biometrics; Digital rights management; Electronic surveillance; Database security
SYSSEC: System security
Internet security; Security in wireless; Sensor/cellular network security; Ad hoc network security; Security in peer-to-peer networks; Security in wireless multimedia systems; Security in different networks (mesh, personal, local, metropolitan, GSM, Bluetooth, WiMax, IEEE 802.x, etc.); Security of emergency services
INFOSEC: Information security
Information hiding; Anonymity; Authentication; Data Integrity; Security data mining; Data confidentiality and integrity; Information flow protection; Trustworthy networks: authentication, privacy and security models; Secure service discovery; Secure location-based service; Information survivability
RISK: Risk and security
Operational risk (opRisk); OpRisk and field studies; Reputation risk; Risk and security-awareness; Business continuity and disaster recovery; Privacy-awareness; Security and trust
MALWA: Malware and Anti-malware
Threat taxonomies and modeling; Security threats; Threats propagation; Anti-malware technologies; Engineering anti-malware; Anti-virus, anti-spyware, anti-phishing; Malware propagation models; Profiling security information; Vulnerability analysis and countermeasures; Denial of service attacks; Measurements and metrics; Testing samples and techniques; Quarantine/reuse decisions; Anti-malware tool performance; Anti-malware tool suites; Open-source anti-malware; Host-based anti-malware; On-line anti-malware scanning
MISUSE: Electronic abuse protection
Messaging, viruses, spyware; Advanced misuse detection techniques /machine learning, natural language processing, challenge-response, etc./; Message filtering, blocking, authentication; Digital signatures; Generalized spamming /over email, Internet telephony, instant messaging, mobile phone, phishing, etc. /; Spam compression and recognition; Learning misuse patterns; Payment schemes; Economics of generalized spam; Tracking abuse tactics and patterns; Protecting legitimate use patterns; Methods for testing protection robustness; Costs and benefits of messaging use and misuse; Standards for messaging and misuse reporting; Legal aspects /identity theft, privacy, freedom of speech, etc./
ANTIFO: Anti-forensics
Advanced anti-forensics mechanisms; Smart anti-forensics; e-discovery industry and anti-forensics; Overwriting data and metadata; Data hiding approaches; Detecting forensics analysis; Anti-forensics tools; Unix-, Windows-, and Linux anti-forensics techniques; Open source anti-forensics tools; Network anti-forensics tools
PRODAM: Profiling data mining
User and traffic profiling; Data mining and visualization; Profile mining and knowledge discovery; Mining lifecycle for profile collections; Profile warehouse construction; Profile portfolio and profile discovery; Profiling game users and game traffic; Profiling transactions; Simpson'd paradox; Real-time profiling mechanisms; Patterns for information profiling; Profiling engines; Profiling metrics; Forensics; Profiling applications (banks, on-line shopping, etc.); Data mining-based user profile prediction
SECHOME: Smart home security
Fundamentals for SHS; Privacy and protection for SHS; Identify and location management in SHS; Authentication and authorization in SHS; Access control and security policies in SHS; Trust and reputation management; Security context-based interfaces for SHS; SHS for accessibility and elderly/disabled people; Real-time challenges for SHS in eHealth environments; Architectures and systems for SHS; Network technologies and protocols for SHS; Ubiquitous/pervasive platform and middleware for SHS; Services and applications for SHS; SHS on campuses and hotels; SHS for mission critical laboratories; Content protection and digital rights management for SHS; Intelligent devices, sensor network/RFID for SHS; Intrusion detection and computer forensics for SHS; SHS and Homeland security; Personal data privacy and protection in SHS; Emerging standards and technologies for SHS; Commercial and industrial for SHS; Case studies, prototypes and experience
SECDYN: Security and privacy in dynamic environments
Fundamentals on highly dynamic environments; Privacy and predefined access control dilemma; Privacy police, provisions and obligations; Dependability in dynamic environments; Protection of digital documents in dynamic environments; On-line activities in high dynamic systems; Law enforcement in high dynamic systems; Personalization; Privacy and transparency; Distributed usage control; Privacy compliance; Secure ambient intelligence; Secure embedded microprocessor architectures; Secure compilation techniques
ECOSEC: Ecosystem security and trust
Secure and trusted service compositions in peer-to-peer networks; Secure data management in collaborative peer-to-peer networks; Security and reputation models for self-adaptive overlay networks; Identity and trust management in dynamic, self-organizing environments; Social institutional-based trust models for self-evolving communities
CRYPTO: Cryptography
Foundations of cryptography; Applied cryptography; Cryptanalysis; Signatures schemes and trust models; Cryptographic algorithms; Electronic payment systems; High-performance encryption methods; Group-oriented cryptography; Identity-based cryptography; Anonymous authentication; Cryptography for multi-user environments; Cryptography and secure localization systems; Attacks on cryptosystems
e-Crime; Epidemiological models for warware and cyber-crime propagation; Record and retrieval of cyber-crimes; Cyber-crime prevention; Cyber-crime vulnerabilities; Cyber-counterattack at source; Distributed cyber-attacks; Orchestrated cyber-attacks; Recursion attacks; Cyber-storm attacks; Cyber-pranks, hoaxes; Phishing/Pharming and anti-phishing; Cyber-terrorism; Online cyber-crime reporting; Accuracy and security of cyber-reports; Fighting cyber-crimes; Cyber-crime laws
DEPEND: Dependability
Dependability and new technologies; Dependability facets; Adaptability and (self)adaptability; Adaptability and dependability; Big Data and dependability; Dependability and security; Trust and system dependability; Dependability, adaptability, and new technologies
Submission | Sep 03, 2020 |
Notification | Sep 30, 2020 |
Registration | Oct 14, 2020 |
Camera ready | Oct 20, 2020 |
Deadlines differ for special tracks. Please consult the conference home page for special tracks Call for Papers (if any).