eKNOW 2020 - The Twelfth International Conference on Information, Process, and Knowledge Management
November 21, 2020 - November 25, 2020
eKNOW 2020
ISSN: 2308-4375
ISBN: 978-1-61208-765-8
eKNOW 2020 is colocated with the following events as part of DigitalWorld 2020 Congress:
- ICDS 2020, The Fourteenth International Conference on Digital Society
- ACHI 2020, The Thirteenth International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions
- GEOProcessing 2020, The Twelfth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services
- eTELEMED 2020, The Twelfth International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine
- eLmL 2020, The Twelfth International Conference on Mobile, Hybrid, and On-line Learning
- eKNOW 2020, The Twelfth International Conference on Information, Process, and Knowledge Management
- ALLSENSORS 2020, The Fifth International Conference on Advances in Sensors, Actuators, Metering and Sensing
- SMART ACCESSIBILITY 2020, The Fifth International Conference on Universal Accessibility in the Internet of Things and Smart Environments
eKNOW 2020 Steering Committee
Susan Gauch
University of Arkansas
Special tracks:
KMI 4.0: Toward Industry 4.0 by Knowledge Management
Chair and Coordinator: Dr. Samia Aitouche, PhD, University Batna 2, Algeria samiaaitouche@gmail.com
Co-Chair: Dr Aksa Karima, University Batna 2, Algeria aksa_karima@yahoo.fr
KDI: Extracting Knowledge by Data-driven Intelligence
Chair and Coordinator:
Prof. Gustavo de Assis Costa, PhD, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Goiás – Campus Jataí, Brazil gustavo.costa@ifg.edu.br
Prof. Flávio de Assis Vilela, PhD Candidate, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Goiás – Campus Jataí, Brazil flavio.vilela@ifg.edu.br
KMI-eGov: Knowledge Management and Innovation in e-Government
Chair and Coordinator: Dr Maria José Sousa, ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Portugal maria.jose.sousa@ISCTE-IUL.pt
ETC@KM: Emerging Trends and Challenges in Knowledge Management
Chairs and Coordinators:
Maria José Gonçalves, CEOS.PP, Porto Polytechnic, Portugal mjose@iscap.ipp.pt
Amélia Ferreira da Silva, CEOS.PP, Porto Polytechnic, Portugal acfs@iscapglos.ac.uk
eKNOW 2020 conference tracks:
Knowledge fundamentals
Knowledge acquisition, processing, and management; Linguistic knowledge representation; Knowledge modeling and virtualization; Types of knowledge: structural, behavioral, relationships, etc.; Knowledge representation: visual-picture, connectionist model, semi-structured [a la workflow], structured/formal; Knowledge acquisition status: potential new knowledge, guessed semantics, confirmed semantics, auditing confirmed semantics, etc.; Knowledge update: probable insertion, validated insertion, auditing the insertion periodically based on new knowledge, etc.
Advanced topics in Deep/Machine learning
Distributed and parallel learning algorithms; Image and video coding; Deep learning and Internet of Things; Deep learning and Big data; Data preparation, feature selection, and feature extraction; Error resilient transmission of multimedia data; 3D video coding and analysis; Depth map applications; Machine learning programming models and abstractions; Programming languages for machine learning; Visualization of data, models, and predictions; Hardware-efficient machine learning methods; Model training, inference, and serving; Trust and security for machine learning applications; Testing, debugging, and monitoring of machine learning applications; Machine learning for systems.
ML: Knowledge and Information processing using Machine Learning
Machine learning models (supervised, unsupervised, reinforcement, constrained, etc.);
Generative modeling (Gaussian, HMM, GAN, Bayesian networks, autoencoders, etc.);
Explainable AI (feature importance, LIME, SHAP, FACT, etc.);
Bayesian learning models;
Prediction uncertainty (approximation learning, similarity);
Training of models (hyperparameter optimization, regularization, optimizers);
Active learning (partially labels datasets, faulty labels, semi-supervised);
Applications of machine learning (recommender systems, NLP, computer vision, etc.);
Data in machine learning (no data, small data, big data, graph data, time series, sparse data, etc.)
Trends on annotation and extraction
Natural Languages-based features and systems; Annotation handling (multilingual, semantic, shared, open, prosody, etc.); Annotation as a Service (AaaS); Handling argument-based knowledge; Event-based knowledge; Tagging and supertagging; Extraction patterns; Uncertain reasoning; Visual error analysis; Domain-specific paraphrase extraction; Tweets and sentence compression; Role labeling semantic; Heterogeneous annotations
Trends on news and social media
New events-based knowledge;In-context news creation; Superlative expressions; News highlights generation systems; News special summarization systems (e.g, for blind and/or visually impaired people); Sentiment classification (emotion, irony, sarcasm, rhetorical questions, opinion, etc.); Rumor dynamics and social media; Contextual pragmatic models;; Social prediction; Prediction semantic analysis; Predictability of distrust; Aspect-based sentiment analysis; Argument generation systems; Relevance of citation recommendation; Retrieval bias and retrieval performance; High-speed captioning images; Language models for images; Participative KM platforms
Trends on knowledge processing support and mechanisms
Open knowledge bases; Structured knowledge bases; Big knowledge applications; Linked knowledge objects; Knowledge datasets; Machine translation systems; Convolution neural networks; Hybrid representations and equivalent semantics; Processing bilingual information; Topic trends and temporal signatures; Cross-view features; Pattern-based knowledge; Ranking optimization in context; Concept-based classification and ranking; KM design for life long learning and long term uses
Knowledge identification and discovery
Mining for knowledge; Knowledge identification: semantic-ID, etc.; Knowledge discovery: how to express knowledge requests?, how to find knowledge?, etc.; Knowledge refinement: after many acquisitions, former knowledge can change semantically or structurally, etc.; Knowledge clustering
Knowledge management systems
Knowledge data systems; Industrial systems; Context-aware and self-management systems; Imprecision/Uncertainty/Incompleteness in databases; Cognitive science and knowledge agent-based systems; Databases and mobility in databases; Zero-knowledge systems; Expert systems; Tutoring systems; Digital libraries
Knowledge management (KM) and event processing (EP)
Methodologies and approaches to overcome technical hurdles and improve the interplay between KM and EP; Applications from various domains (e.g. financial, manufacturing, trading, telecommunication, service), which benefit from an integrated KM and EP
Knowledge semantics processing and ontology
Dynamic knowledge ontology; Collaborative knowledge ontology; Knowledge matching; Contextual reasoning; Tools for knowledge ontology; Context-based information extraction; Knowledge trading systems; Knowledge exchange portals; Cognitive sytems and knowledge processing; Human aspects in knowledge processing
Technological foresight and socio-economic evolution modelling
Anticipatory networks and decisions; Expert information management; Foresight support systems; Generating technological recommendations and rankings; Information society evolution; Online and real-time Delphi; Ontological knowledge bases of technologies and products; Roadmapping support systems; Strategic support systems; Technological information fusion; Technological policy decision support systems
Process analysis and modeling
Analysis and development of business architectures; Data mining and information retrieval for business processes; Business process modelling; Business process composition; Analysis and management lifecycle; Reasoning on business processes; Optimization of business processes; Adaptive business processes; Business process reengineering; Integration of processes; Process discovery; Business process quality; Resource allocation
Process management
Criteria for measurement of business process models; Monitoring business processes; Business process visualization; Management of business process integration; On-demand business transformation; Performance measurement; Conformance and risk management; Prediction; Business transformation; Packaged industry applications; Industry solutions
Information management
Informational mining/retrieval/classification; Geographic and spatial data Infrastructures; Information technologies; Information management systems; Information ethics and legal evaluations; Optimization and information technology; Organizational information systems
Decision support systems
Multi-criteria decision theory; Artificial intelligence; Adaptive design for decision support systems; Support technologies: knowledge-driven, data-driven, model-driven, and geographically-driven systems; Support methods: artificial neural networks, fuzzy logic, and genetic/evolutionary algorithms; Modeling, interfaces, and performance; Applications using decision support systems
Submission | Sep 03, 2020 |
Notification | Oct 02, 2020 |
Registration | Oct 14, 2020 |
Camera ready | Oct 20, 2020 |
Deadlines differ for special tracks. Please consult the conference home page for special tracks Call for Papers (if any).