The Sixteenth International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems

ICAS 2020

September 27, 2020 to October 01, 2020 - Lisbon, Portugal



May 29, 2020


Jun 18, 2020


Jul 17, 2020

Camera ready

Jul 17, 2020

Deadlines differ for special tracks. Please consult the conference home page for special tracks Call for Papers (if any).


Published by IARIA Press (operated by Xpert Publishing Services)

Archived in the Open Access IARIA ThinkMind Digital Library

Prints available at Curran Associates, Inc.

Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended versions to a IARIA Journal

Indexing Procedure

Affiliated Journals

ICAS 2020 - The Sixteenth International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems

September 27, 2020 - October 01, 2020

ICAS 2020: Awards

The papers listed below have been selected as "Best Papers" based on the reviews of the original submission, the camera-ready version, and the presentation during the conference. For the awarded papers, a digital award will be issued in the name of the authors. The authors of these papers are also receiving invitations to submit an extended article version to one of the IARIA Journals.


Awarded Papers

Reduction of Decoherence in Quantum Information Systems Using Direct Adaptive Control of Infinite Dimensional Systems
Mark Balas

Achieving Trustworthy Autonomous Systems through Autonomic and Apoptotic Computing
Roy Sterritt

In the Depths of Hyponymy: A Step Towards Lifelong Learning
Tommaso Boccato, Timothy Patten, Markus Vincze, Stefano Ghidoni

Towards a Unified Approach to Homography Estimation Using Image Features and Pixel Intensities
Lucas A. C. O. Nogueira, Ely C. Paiva, Geraldo Silveira


The following papers have been selected on the basis of their contents, specificaly for lending themselves to an interesting extended work. The authors of these papers are receiving invitations to submit an extended article version to one of the IARIA Journals.

Papers Invited for IARIA Journals

Computation of Suitable Grasp Pose for Usage of Objects Based on Predefined Training and Real-time Pose Estimation
Muhammed Tawfiq Chowdhury, Shuvo Kumar Paul, Monica Nicolescu, Mircea Nicolescu, David Feil-Seifer, Sergiu Dascalu

A Human-on-the-Loop Autonomy Architecture for Resident-AUV Undersea Support Infrastructure
Pedro Forero, LorRaine Duffy, Eric Hendricks

Deep Learning Workload Analysis for Efficient Resource Allocation
Sayaka Takayama, Takashi Shiraishi, Shigeto Suziki, Masao Yamamoto, Yukihiro Watanabe, Masato Oguchi

On Metabolic Complex Networks for Entropic Robust Autonomy
Chris Nowak, Darryn Reid

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