The Twelfth International Conference on Advanced Engineering Computing and Applications in Sciences


November 18, 2018 to November 22, 2018 - Athens, Greece



Aug 01, 2018


Sep 04, 2018


Sep 17, 2018

Camera ready

Sep 25, 2018

Deadlines differ for special tracks. Please consult the conference home page for special tracks Call for Papers (if any).


Published by IARIA Press (operated by Xpert Publishing Services)

Archived in the Open Access IARIA ThinkMind Digital Library

Prints available at Curran Associates, Inc.

Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended versions to a IARIA Journal

Indexing Procedure

Affiliated Journals

ADVCOMP 2018 - The Twelfth International Conference on Advanced Engineering Computing and Applications in Sciences

November 18, 2018 - November 22, 2018


ISSN: 2308-4499
ISBN: 978-1-61208-677-4

ADVCOMP 2018 is colocated with the following events as part of NexTech 2018 Congress:

  • UBICOMM 2018, The Twelfth International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies
  • ADVCOMP 2018, The Twelfth International Conference on Advanced Engineering Computing and Applications in Sciences
  • SEMAPRO 2018, The Twelfth International Conference on Advances in Semantic Processing
  • AMBIENT 2018, The Eighth International Conference on Ambient Computing, Applications, Services and Technologies
  • EMERGING 2018, The Tenth International Conference on Emerging Networks and Systems Intelligence
  • DATA ANALYTICS 2018, The Seventh International Conference on Data Analytics
  • GLOBAL HEALTH 2018, The Seventh International Conference on Global Health Challenges
  • CYBER 2018, The Third International Conference on Cyber-Technologies and Cyber-Systems

Special tracks:

CLawLS: Computational Law and Legal Systems
Chair and Organizer: PhD Candidate, Cleyton Mário de Oliveira Rodrigues, Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil

MAML: Multidisciplinary Mobile and Web Applications in Modern Life
Chair and Organizer: Assistant Professor, Dr. Ahmad Rafi Qawasmeh, The Hashemite University, Jordan

NeXCyRa: Next Generation Cyber Ranges
Chair and Organizer: Dr Reda Yaich, Senior Researcher and R&D Manager @ IRT SystemX, France

ADVCOMP 2018 conference tracks:

Advances on computing theories

Finite-state machines; Petri nets /stochastic/colored/probabilistic/etc; Genetic algorithms; Machine learning theory; Prediction theory; Bayesian theory /statistics/filtering/estimation/reasoning/rating/etc; Markov chains/process/model/etc; Graphs theories

Advances in computation methods

Hybrid computational methods; Advanced numerical algorithms; Differential calculus; Matrix perturbation theory; Rare matrices; Fractals & super-fractal algorithms; Random graph dynamics; Multi-dimensional harmonic estimation

Computational logics

Knowledge-based systems and automated reasoning; Logical issues in knowledge representation /non-monotonic reasoning/belief; Specification and verification of programs and systems; Applications of logic in hardware and VLSI; Natural language, concurrent computation, planning; Deduction and reasoning; Logic of computation; Dempster-Shafer theory; Fuzzy theory/computation/logic/etc

Advances on computing mechanisms

Clustering large and high dimensional data; Data fusion and aggregation; Biological sequence analysis; Biomecatronics mechanisms; Biologically inspired mechanisms; System theory and control mechanisms; Multi-objective evolutionary algorithms; Constraint-based algorithms; Ontology-based reasoning; Topology and structure patterns; Geometrical pattern similarity; Strong and weak symmetry; Distortion in coordination mechanisms

Computing techniques

Distributed computing; Parallel computing; Grid computing; Autonomic computing; Cloud computing; Development of numerical and scientific software-based systems; Pattern-based computing; Finite-element method computation; Elastic models; Optimization techniques; Simulation techniques; Stream-based computing

Resource intensive applications and services (RIAS)

Fundamentals on RIAS; Basic algorithms for RIAS; Communications intensive; Process intensive; Data-intensive computing; Operational intensive; Cloud-computing intensiveness; User intensive; Technology intensive; Control intensive; Complex RIAS; Bioinformatics computation; Large scale ehealth systems; Pharmaceutical/drug computation; Weather forecast computation; Earthquake simulations; Geo-spatial simulations; Spatial programs; Real-time manufacturing systems; Transportation systems; Avionic systems; Economic/financial systems; Electric-power systems

Computational geometry

Theoretical computational geometry; Applied computational geometry; Design and analysis of geometric algorithms; Design and analysis of geometric algorithms and data structures; Discrete and combinatorial geometry and topology; Data structures (Voronoi Diagrams, Delaunay triangulations, etc.); Experimental evaluation of geometric algorithms and heuristics; Numerical performance of geometric algorithms; Geometric computations in parallel and distributed environments; Geometric data structures for mesh generation; Geometric methods in computer graphics; Solid modeling; Space Partitioning; Special applications (animation of geometric algorithms, manufacturing, computer graphics and image processing, computer-aided geometry design, solid geometry)

Interdisciplinary computing

Computational /physics, chemistry, biology/ algorithms; Graph-based modeling and algorithms; Computational methods for /crystal, protein/ structure prediction; Computation for multi-material structure;  Modeling and simulation of large deformations and strong shock waves; Computation in solid mechanics; Remote geo-sensing; Interdisciplinary computing in music and arts

Cloud computing

Hardware-as-a-service; Software-as-a-service [SaaS applicaitions]; Platform-as-service; On-demand computing models; Cloud Computing programming and application development; Scalability, discovery of services and data in Cloud computing infrastructures; Privacy, security, ownership and reliability issues; Performance and QoS; Dynamic resource provisioning; Power-efficiency and Cloud computing; Load balancing; Application streaming; Cloud SLAs, business models and pricing policies; Custom platforms; Large-scale compute infrastructures; Managing applications in the clouds; Data centers; Process in the clouds; Content and service distribution in Cloud computing infrastructures; Multiple applications can run on one computer (virtualization a la VMWare); Grid computing (multiple computers can be used to run one application); Cloud-computing vendor governance and regulatory compliance

Grid Networks, Services and Applications

GRID theory, frameworks, methodologies, architecture, ontology; GRID infrastructure and technologies; GRID middleware; GRID protocols and networking; GRID computing, utility computing, autonomic computing, metacomputing; Programmable GRID; Data GRID; Context ontology and management in GRIDs; Distributed decisions in GRID networks; GRID services and applications; Virtualization, modeling, and metadata in GRID; Resource management, scheduling, and scalability in GRID; GRID monitoring, control, and management; Traffic and load balancing in GRID; User profiles and priorities in GRID; Performance and security in GRID systems; Fault tolerance, resilience, survivability, robustness in GRID; QoS/SLA in GRID networks; GRID fora, standards, development, evolution; GRID case studies, validation testbeds, prototypes, and lessons learned

Computing in Virtualization-based environments

Principles of virtualization; Virtualization platforms; Thick and thin clients; Data centers and nano-centers; Open virtualization format; Orchestration of virtualization across data centers; Dynamic federation of compute capacity; Dynamic geo-balancing; Instant workload migration; Virtualization-aware storage; Virtualization-aware networking; Virtualization embedded-software-based smart  mobile phones; Trusted platforms and embedded supervisors for security; Virtualization management operations /discovery, configuration, provisioning, performance, etc.; Energy optimization and saving for green datacenters; Virtualization supporting cloud computing; Applications as pre-packaged virtual machines; Licencing and support policies

Development of computing support

Computing platforms; Advanced scientific computing; Support for scientific problem-solving; Support for distributed decisions; Agent-assisted workflow support; Middleware computation support; High performance computing; Problem solving environments; Computational science and education; Neuronal networks

Computing applications in science

Advanced computing in civil engineering; Advanced computing in physics science; Advanced computing in chemistry science; Advanced computing in mathematics; Advanced computing in operation research; Advanced computing in economics; Advanced computing in electronics and electrical science; Advanced computing on Earth science, geosciences and meteorology

Complex computing in application domains

Computation genomic; Management of scientific data and knowledge; Advanced computing in bioinformatics and biophysics; Advanced computing in molecular systems and biological systems; Application of engineering methods to genetics; Medical computation and graphics; Advanced computing in simulation systems; Advanced computing for statistics and optimization; Advanced computing in mechanics and quantum mechanics; Advanced computing for geosciences and meteorology; Maps and geo-images building; Curve and surface reconstruction; Financial computing and forecasting; Advanced computing in robotics and manufacturing; Advanced computing in power systems; Environmental advanced computing



Aug 01, 2018


Sep 04, 2018


Sep 17, 2018

Camera ready

Sep 25, 2018

Deadlines differ for special tracks. Please consult the conference home page for special tracks Call for Papers (if any).