Prof. Dr. Stein Gjessing
University of Oslo and Simula Research Laboratory

Dr. Stein Gjessing received his dr. philos. degree in 1985, and is currently a professor of Computer Science in Department of Informatics, University of Oslo, and an adjunct researcher at Simula Research Laboratory.

Gjessings original work was in the field of programming languages and programming language semantics, in particular related to object oriented concurrent programming  He worked with computer interconnects and computer architecture for cache coherent shared memory systems through the development of the Scalable Coherent Interface (SCI - IEEE Std 1596). He was involved in a number of European research projects that used SCI. From 2001 until 2005 Gjessing performed research and worked on standardization of a ring based LAN (a ring "Ethernet") called Resilient Packet Ring (RPR IEEE Std 802.17).  Gjessing was the Norwegian representative in "Council of Scientists" in the European International Association for the promotion of cooperation with scientists from the New Independent States of the former Soviet Union" (INTAS) for three years from June 1996.  He is a program (co-)chair of the "15th IEEE Workshop on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks" (LANMAN 2007) that will take place in  New Jersey, USA, in June 2007.

Gjessings main research interests are currently within network resilience, including sensor networks, Internet-like networks and optical networks. 

Gjessing has published a large number of scientific and technical papers, has taught computer science at all university levels, and has been advising numerous master and doctor students.  Gjessing has been a reviewer for many journals and conferences, has served on numerous Ph.D. committees and has been a member of a large number of program and evaluation committees.