Dr. Jacques Palicot

Dr. Jacques Palicot received, in 1983, his PhD degree in Signal Processing from the University of Rennes. Since 1988, he has been involved in studies about equalization techniques applied to digital transmissions and new analog TV systems. Since 1991 he has been involved mainly in studies concerning the digital communications area and automatic measurements techniques. Prof. Palicot has taken an active part in various international bodies EBU, CCIR, URSI, and within RACE, ACTS and IST European projects. He has published various scientific articles notably on equalization techniques, echo cancellation, hierarchical modulations and Software Radio techniques. He is currently involved in adaptive Signal Processing and in new techniques as Software Radio, Cognitive radio and Green Radio. From November 2001 to September 2003 he had a temporary position with INRIA/IRISA in Rennes. He serves as Associate Editor for EURASIP JASP since 2008. He also served as lead guest editor several Special Issues on Software Radio, Cognitive Radio and Green Radio. He published and coauthored several books on these topics. He was Technical Program Chairman of CROWNCOM 2099 and Co General Chairman of ISCIT 2011. He is Technical Program Chairman of GRENNCOMM 2013. Since October 2003 he is with Supélec in Rennes where he leads the Signal Communications and Embedded Electronics (SCEE) research team.