Dr. Ioannis A. Pikrammenos
Ioannis A. Pikrammenos, Dr. Ing., MBA, has graduated Electrical Engineering and Computer Technology at Patras University, Greece and has acquired his doctoral thesis as well as his MBA diploma from National Technical University of Athens, Greece. He has been employed as scientific associate from numerous research and educational institutions as well as central and local government. His involvement into public affairs led to the participation in fourteen (14) public interest committees, the last one as president, the evaluation in seven (7) co-funded programs and the employment in five (5) as scientific responsible. He has participated in thirty (30) research projects in the field of ICT, four (4) co-funded projects in the fields of ICT, energy and education/training, summing up to 20 scientific publications, being reviewer in one (1) scientific periodical. He has been employed as lecturer on ICT for over 20 years in numerous universities (national and/or international) and institutions, summing up to more than 10,000 teaching hours (EQF 5-6-7), certified as lecturer in adult training and distance learning. He is an enthusiast of entrepreneurship and of sustainable development, pioneering in the area of entrepreneurship cohesion, has supervised more than 100 business plans and 1 patent application. Ioannis is married, father of three children.
His research interest is focused on computer and communication networks, their secure and sustainable deployment and utilization, digital applications towards cultural heritage dissemination, as well as distant learning with emphasis on time and space incoherent learning methodologies.